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Posts posted by zeratul75

  1. Arrivata. Ora installo tutto. Parto dalla 5.2......non mi fido ancora della 6 sinceramente. Anche perché mi pare di capire non cambia molto.


    Ps: una curiosità. È normale che con questa scheda che se entro nel bios, faccio una modifica, e poi salva e esci la scheda spegne tutto per 1 secondo, e poi riparte?

    Cioè se faccio esci senza salvare riavvia normale senza togliere alimentazione. Se faccio salva e esci spegne tutto anche alimentatore e si riaccende.

    E ho notato che se premo il pulsante di accensione del case, a pc acceso ma non necessariamente dentro xpenology, anche dentro il semplice bios, la scheda si spegne subito. Invece mi aspettavo che si spenga solo dopo pressione prolungata del pulsante, non appena lo premo....

    Non trovo impostazioni al riguardo nel bios....

  2. Ot: vedo che c è qualcuno con la j3710 che deve arrivarmi a breve.

    Sei riuscito a far riconoscere la frequenza burst del processore? Perché a quanto pare con xpenology gira a 1.6 di base.....

  3. Hello

    I am new on nas and expenology system.

    I tested DS3615xs 5.2-5967 release, which I think is the latest 5 release, on a old P4 3ghz northwood system with 1gb ddr2 ram, and a spare very low sata hard drive with "some" bad sector :grin::grin: .....just to see how it works.


    Very happy with it, I decided to buy new system, that will be running 24/24.


    I have 2 ip camera, and I would like to make continuous 24/24 recording, using surveillance station. The testing system I am using now handle this pretty easily, with ram around 15-20 (doing other tasks, not recording only) and cpu around 10-20%.


    I would like to buy a lower power system, and see asrock j3710 priced 94 euro here in Italy, which I think is a good price. I already have a 4gb DDR3L spare sodimm module that I don't use.....so everything appears perfect.


    I would buy 2 3tera hard disks and would like to make this configuration: 1 tera from one hard disk dedicated to ip cameras continuous recording, and 1 tera from other hard disk used to store movies from internet, these data don't need to be really safe from hard disk failure. Other 2 tera from both disks should store personal data, and would like to make raid mirror involving 2 tera volumes on both hard disk. In this configuration, If one hard disk fail, I loose movies from internet or cameras recording, but important data should be safe. Ih this way one hard drive in always on, and the other one should be put to hybernate status by DSM....at least it is what I think


    What do you think about it?

    Any hardware/software advice is really appreciated before I purchase new components........

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