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This is because you are not in Debian.


Did you install (Package center) Perl and Debian Chroot ?


To enter debian after installation:


chroot /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget/ /bin/bash


Wow, you just not remind that we need install Perl :grin:

I was followed your guide and DSM notify


'Dear user,


The system has detected an abnormality on ABC. In order to protect your data, all volumes have been unmounted. Please contact the Synology support team for further assistance.


Sincerely, Synology DiskStation'


Now it still running but I cannot reach the web interface... I don't know what I'm wrong :grin:

If you have some free time, please recheck your guide and an automatic install script may have newbie (as me) a lot. Thank you!

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I assume you can still login using ssh to Diskstation.





cat /proc/partitions


It will get some values.

Use those values bellow.


mknod /dev/sda b 8 x
mknod /dev/sdb b 8 y


Exemple in my case:



mknod /dev/sda b 8 0

mknod /dev/sdb b 8 16


After this, should work:


vi /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S91chroot.sh


I've modified the code...



mount -o bind /dev $CHROOT/dev
mount -o bind /proc $CHROOT/proc
mount -o bind /dev/pts $CHROOT/dev/pts
mount -o bind /sys $CHROOT/sys
# volume1 mount in debian
mount -o bind /volume1/ /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget/media/volume1/
cp -f /etc/resolv.conf $CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf
#chroot $CHROOT /bin/bash


Save + reboot


If still problems...


chmod -x /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S91chroot.sh

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