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Hibernate issue 4.2


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Hello All,


I am hoping you guys can help me. I am having issues accessing DSM 4.2 web UI through 5000 port after a while. It seems fine again for sometime after I force restart the DSM. So, this leads me to believe that this is some sort of sleep/hibernate issue. But I can still access transmission UI on port 9091 which is strange. I currently disabled hibernate option in control panel -> hardware and it seems to be working fine. Will this cause the disks to wear out or cause any other issues. Please let me know. Thanks in advance.

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I've been having issues as well - system drops after 10-12 hours. I recently installed a couple 40gb hard drives and went back to DSM 4.1 as a temporary debug scenario - I had the system up for a week before the drops and I'm trying to isolate what changed. Not sure if 4.1 is the fix or not. When system drops I can still ping, but GUI and file transfer are gone. haven't tried port 9091

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