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[SOLVED] Remote shutdown for Win users (Telnet or SSH wRSA)


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There are some people's which is not familiar with linux.


This remote shutdown solution can be useful for them.


Solution was found here:

http://www.synology-forum.de/showthread ... ing-Telnet

Telnet Scripting Tool a.k.a TST10.exe

http://jerrymannel.com/blog/2008/11/11/ ... -tst10exe/


1. On synology go to Control Panel/Network Services Folder/Terminal Services and enable the Telnet Service

http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.ph ... _Interface

2. download TST10.zip - Telnet Scripting Tool

3. write you own script (shutdown.txt) like this 23
WAIT "login:"
SEND "root\m"
WAIT "assword:"
SEND "MyPassword\m"
WAIT ">"
SEND "poweroff\m"
WAIT ">"


4. create .bat file with right path to TST10.exe

C:/../TST10/tst10 /r:shutdown.txt


5. shutdown your synology by double-click on .bat file



p.s. there is report about weak telnet security

http://wrgms.com/post/37501692643/synol ... t-password

I can't confirm this on my setup (Trantor v1.2 repack).


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Solution that allows you login via SSH with a RSA keypair was found here:




1. Download PuTTY and PuTTYgen (or just get the installer, everything is in there) from here http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.


2. Generate a keypair with PuTTYgen (Parameters: SSH-2 RSA)


3. Save the private key as “myprivatekey.ppk”


4. Copy the public key to the clipboard. Looks somewhat like this:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAzP4MR3lkCD2pa7nwT3NMjjDBMmEuJ4exW4GKBBP+okArZ/IrjbLIpdh8ahpfgjh8kM//OVUGeRa1GigzcCuGzIa2YfS7L4Q9cbUUWFwIu2hGV3ZpJ2xDZExaaLH90Vw+ZBaozD2OI4FZ1Dqh8Bj29SQqIIbmxf/ASyTmXHZCbQk= rsa-key-20130414


5. Connect to your diskstation with PuTTY



6. Login as root


7. Edit the SSH config with

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


8. Look for the following lines

#RSAAuthentication yes

#PubkeyAuthentication yes

#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys


9. Change them to this (by hitting “x” when the cursor is over the # and hitting ESC, then typing :wq ENTER)

#RSAAuthentication yes

PubkeyAuthentication yes

AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys


10. Go to /root and create the .ssh folder

cd /root

mkdir .ssh


11. Edit the keyfile

vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


12. Press “i”


13. Paste your public key and save the file (Hit Esc, type :wq, hit Enter)

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAzP4MR3lkCD2pa7nwT3NMjjDBMmEuJ4exW4GKBBP+okArZ/IrjbLIpdh8ahpfgjh8kM//OVUGeRa1GigzcCuGzIa2YfS7L4Q9cbUUWFwIu2hGV3ZpJ2xDZExaaLH90Vw+ZBaozD2OI4FZ1Dqh8Bj29SQqIIbmxf/ASyTmXHZCbQk= rsa-key-20130414


14. Set the access-rights to the file

chmod 700 /root/.ssh

chmod 644 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


15. Disconnect with



16. Open Putty again and make the following settings


Hostname: or

Port: 22

Connection type: SSH

Connection->Data->Auto-login username: root

Connection->SSH->Auth->Private Key: Your Keyfile

And save the session as


17. Create a new shortcut on your desktop with the following target

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load "sessionname"


18. Finished. From now on you can connect by double-clicking.


All steps can be done via ssh or telnet.


At step 16

Connection->SSH->Remote command:

allows you to send different commands after login

for shutdown it should be

nohup poweroff > /dev/null 2>&1 &


For more complex command set

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load "sessionname" -m C:\commands.txt


If you don't want to close session immediately, change

Connection->Close windows on exit: Always/Never/On clean exit



SSH with a RSA keypair login is more secure than Telnet.


p.s. with this thread

Turn on your XPEnology with *double-click*


Win users have complete 'double-click' solution for turn-on/turn-off their synology

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