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Hello guys,


I am very (much) "noob" when it comes to NAS.


I suffered enough to set my first NAS using XPEnology. Ie, searching a little bit here, a little there ... hours on google and suffering with my "English" "archaic" (my English is very bad).


I will try to summarize here all I found in order to help his friends that soon may begin this "race" for the configuration of your NAS.


I bought a NAS, HP Gen 8, G2020T


(1) Installing XPEnology (thanks to user "valver")


a. Write the bootloader image to a USB drive (XPEnoboot 5.2-5565.2 from here: http://download.xpenology.fr/). Plug it into the back of the Gen8 and leave it there permanently.


b. Connect a keyboard and monitor to the Gen8. Start it up and watch the boot - select 'install/upgrade' when you get to the appropriate boot menu.


Everything after here can then be done remotely... ie from another PC. You can remove the monitor and keyboard from the Gen 8 at next reboot .


c. Open a browser and type : http://find.synology.com


d. Step through the Synology install wizard, using the manual DSM install option (providing the full DSM 5.2-5565 pat file from here:


http://www.xpenology.nl/xpenology-software/ )


e. Reboot the Gen8 as required, Log in again remotely and head into the settings and turn off auto updates (I leave it at the 'notify only' setting)


f. You can either then manually provide the DSM 5.2-5565 Update 1 pat file, or let the Synology download it via the OS.


My comment:


(a) I downloaded the files from the following site: http://xpenology.me/downloads/


(b) My mistake: I downloaded the file "iso" and used the Win32DiskImager to create the disk to boot. However, could not start for him, even changing the order of the boot (F9) in the bios.


© Therefore, downloading, download the file ".img" and create the USB with the Win32 disk.


(d) Do not forget to change the order of the boot in the bios (F9).



(2) There is a problem in the G2020T configuration. Every time he restarted the "boot" was not done by USB. Ie, the "boot" configuration "reset". (Thanks to user Balrog)


a. To resolve this issue:


- Press F9 at boot to enter BIOS


- Make your settings as desired (e.g. disable network boot and set the RAID-Controller into AHCI-Mode)


- Choose "System Default Options" - "User Default Options" - "Save User Defaults" => this makes the actual settings to the new default settings.



(3) I am researching how to install CouchPotato, Sickrage and Transmission in XPEnology. When I know something do addition to this "post".


I will test these guidelines (tutorials):


- http://www.crisi.ch/couchpotato-on-synology-nas/


- http://www.htpcguides.com/screenshot-gu ... ology-nas/



PS: Sorry for the mistakes. I'm using google translator.


I hope this helps someone.






(1) Post user valver: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6326#p38061


(2) Download Win32 disk: https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer


(3) Post user Balrog: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3289&p=28544&hilit=BIOS+reset+HP#p28493

  • 11 months later...

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