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Hi all,


I have a Gen8 on order and I was looking at doing a Baremetal install of XPEnology on it and I had a couple of questions ?


Is the fan spindown issue still a problem for the Gen8 running XPEnology ? I've hunted through the forums and this seems like it use to be an issue but I can't find much/any comment about it recently.


Related to the first question, what is the latest bios for the Gen8 ?


Does quickconnect work ?


I have a synology box so I have some familiarity with the DSM , but this is my first more complicated server. Attempting to get a lot more bang for my buck rather than buying a 414+ . Mainly going to be used as a photoserver , video streamer and general backup.






So I installed XPEnology at the weekend and everything seem to work fine. The Gen8 came with the latest Bios and its also pretty quiet so thats another win.


I do seem to have a security warning about unauthorised access or something like that , is that because I have an actual synology box on the same network. Will changing the mac address and serial number resolve this ?


With quickconnect not a choice , I've been looking at another ddns provider to use. Any suggestions ?




Thanks for your update - I too was worried about the noise.


I think you should change the serial - I've changed it on all my units.


I live in Denmark, and we have gratisdns.dk, so that is what I use. It's free of charge.


Yes I've been looking at changing my serial and Mac address , looking at the guide in the forum it seems to be talking about changing a vendor file. Which I just can't see looking at the files on my usb.

One of the files "syslinux.cfg" does seem to have a serial number in it , but this just looks like the boot choice menu.


Any tips on changing the serial ? I used XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.1-5022.3.



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