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3ware module not present on Nanoboot dsm-5.0


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Hi to everybody in the forum.


I want to know if there is any way to insert a module or driver in nanoboot?


Currently i have installed dsm-5.0 4493 on a dual xeon server i had stored. I put 2 wd raptor 74gb on motherboard sata conecctors and 4 wd 1.5tb on a 3ware 9550sxu 4 port raid card.

The 1.5tb disk are configured as jbod.


I can install DSM and boot the nas with raptor drives but the 3ware card is not recogniced.


Lspi list the hardware but no driver or module is loaded.


I saw that gnoboot have the drivers included bit i think nanoboot does not.


If Somebody can help me with this i really apreciated.


Thanks un advance

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I could use these too, have some 8500's and 9500S's 12 port that it would be nice to use. Is it possible to just build the modules and add them to a nanoboot image? (I need x86, not 64-bit, using an older supermicro 16 drive case with the older intel xeon 686's.


I'd replace the mobo if I have to, but I'd rather not, since I have a slew of the 3ware raid cards...


I'm a freebsd guy, but I think I could work my way through the linux kernel buildling stuff.

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