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DVBSky S952 on Gnoboot A10.5 and DSM 5.0-4458 Update 2


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is it possible to cross-compile the required modules for this driver?

(it would be nice if someone could tell me at least if this is possible)


I have a working cross-compile env.... (ubuntu 12.10)


My Firmware: dvb-fe-ds3103.fw => http://www.dvbsky.net/download/linux/dv ... are.tar.gz

Have successfully cross-compiled different dvb modules but i'm a little confused how to find the correct one for my card...


Could someone give me a small overview of the necessary steps?



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i (think) i have managed it to cross-compile the required module.


here is what i have done:



tvserv> uname -a

Linux tvserv 3.2.40 #8 SMP Sat Apr 5 10:56:54 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux synology_bromolow_3612xs


2. Download an extracted "gcc473_glibc217_x86_64_bromolow-GPL.tgz" to /home/user/Downloads/


3. Download an extracted "synogpl-4458-bromolow.tbz" to /home/user/Downloads/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/


4. Download an extracted "http://www.dvbsky.net/download/media_build_bst_121102.tar.gz" (for Kernel 3.5.3/3.4.4/3.3.2/3.2.29) to /home/user/Downloads/media_built_bst/

(don't know if this is the correct one, there is another one http://www.dvbsky.net/download/linux/me ... 128.tar.gz (for Kernel 3.5.x ~ 3.13.0)


5.) Downloaded firmware http://www.dvbsky.net/download/linux/dv ... are.tar.gz and copied firmware files to /home/user/Downloads/media_built_bst/v4l/firmware/

(My Firmware is: dvb-fe-ds3103.fw )


6.) cd /home/user/Downloads/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/source/linux-3.x

7.) cp synoconfigs/x86_64 .config

8.) Edit Makefile:

ARCH ?= x86_64

CROSS_COMPILE ?= /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-


9.) make oldconfig

10.) make prepare

11.) make prepare_modules


12.) cd /home/user/Downloads/media_built_bst/


13.) make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=/home/user/Downloads/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu- SRCDIR=/home/user/Downloads/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/source/linux-3.x/


14.) Compilation finished successfully and i get "m88ds3103.ko" which should be the Kernel-Module for my device



What i have done to load the Kernel Module on the Synology:


1.) copied m88ds3103.ko to /lib/modules/

2.) insmod m88ds3103.ko (no error or notification so far...)

3.) echo "insmod /lib/modules/m88ds3103.ko" >> /etc/rc.local

4.) reboot machine


If i check with:


tvserv> ls /dev/dvb

adapter0 adapter1 adapter2


tvserv> ls /dev/dvb/adapter1



but it should look like this: (on my Sundtek Stick)

tvserv> ls /dev/dvb/adapter0

demux0 dvr0 frontend0 net0


In Tvheadend adapter1 and 2 is are not appearing at all.


I would pay if someone would help me to make this work. (Just contact me)



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Before build linux driver, please read the instructions first. Readme for Linux_Driver_installation

http://www.dvbsky.net/download/doc/Linu ... ion_en.pdf


I see the following steps, do you required it?


5)Copy firmware file dvb-fe-ds300x.fw and dvb-fe-ds3103.fw to /Lib/Firmware

directory. Firmware file can be downloaded from support web page in

http://www.dvbsky.net. Unzip it then copy files.

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