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Everything posted by tsuwado

  1. Came back to answer the question and the answer is probably a no, I didn't try it. My thinking is that the driver seems to be to use the listed hardware and emulate so the virtual DMS can use it. What I did instead was use the following github project. It's actually pretty easy to do, just read the readme and if you get stuck, the author is pretty responsive. The only problem I ran into was that there is one command where you change root and then try to get some data from the repo (if I recall correctly) and it can't because it can't verify certificates. One can download the repo before then, placing it into the root you'll use later. https://github.com/tabrezm/r8125-synology Though there seems to be minimal changes to the driver to get it to compile, I'm not sure it would work for everything. Also my NAS can use newer version of the driver, while the author has not been able to do the same. I'm probably not going to continue looking at this since I got it working and my needs for the NAS seem to need more power... time to look at what this XPEnology project is actually all about!
  2. Hello all, (tl;dr at bottom) I came across this project searching online. I didn't know such a thing existed! I'm not sure I'll join you all yet, but who knows! My issue is that I have an actual DS1618+ and I thought I did enough research but I didn't and rushed to buy a network card in a sale recently and as you can guess, seems it's not /no longer supported. I though, well maybe I can download the official drivers, run the automake script via ssl and be all good. Nah, seems like make is missing and makes me wonder if more is missing. In looking here, I found a thread in the /Loader Releases & Extras / Additional Complied Modules / section for driver extensions. In this area were people talking about drivers and even one where I believe they were discussing the one I need I also remember a person saying they ran one on Synology hardware. This lead to a github project by pocopico with lots of drivers, json files and so on. I'm wondering if it is generally okay to install these on actual hardware? I see there are many ones like xyz hardware plus other hardware (broadwell, etc) What I guess is take the base driver or the driver plus hardware level, like my 1618+ is a denverton codename CPU, and then I can load right? Details and tl;dr section Actual DS1618+ user Have a RTL8125 based card DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6 Card not seen by DSM Can I use the pocopico drivers on actual harware? In this case should I use the 8125Plus-denverton driver or just the base 8125plus driver? Thanks P.S. IT person, not really a Linux person but I can figure out how to do it if it's a yes, any additional help given would be greatly taken though.
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