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Everything posted by narvell3

  1. Hello. Today after rebooting Synology, I got an error that 3 disks are in critical state. But all files and the system itself is working fine. The SSD disk that is used for cache is fine, no problems with it. But 3 4TB disks are showing critical status. Is it possible to fix this? I have tinycore-redpill boot loader in JOT mode.
  2. If I manually update the bootloader and DSM from this resource https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/releases/tag/v0.9.5.0. Will my system crash or not ? I'm just worried because I already have 2.3 terrabytes on 4 discs. And I really don't want to lose my information
  3. Hello. I've encountered that my DSM has become slow. I had no problems before. I was struggling with the installation for a long time in this thread But as soon as I installed it I didn't update the bootloader or the dsm itself. Because everything worked fine. Maybe someone can tell me what can be done? More precisely what action to do. Maybe it makes sense to update the bootloader or DSM just from the Web interface DSM is not asked to update. Specifications of my PC ( i5-12400, 16GB, Asus Prime B660M-A D4, 3xSkyhawk 4TB 1xSSD M.2 NVMe 250Gb Kingston NV1 SNVS/250G) By the way, I was not able to start the Nvme SSD on my motherboard. Maybe it also affects the fact that there is just a Nvme SSD in it. It's just that the response from the DSM itself is fast when I access it via Ip address. But already the files that I try to transfer over the network or download there more than 10mb/sec speed is not raised I have already changed cables, but the result is the same. No breaks, packets go normally. But the speed does not want to be 100mb/s and if you install virtual machines or WebServer, their work is very slow.
  4. Здравствуйте. Не могу подгрузить установочные пакеты из центра. Я так понимаю мне руками придётся скачивать и ставить ? или есть возможность обойти данную систему ?
  5. Thank you very much. JOT mode started perfectly on the DS3622xs+ build, everything works. I immediately saw it on the network at the address Thank you so much for your time.
  6. I tried both through the assistant and tried through the IP. The computer just freezes. The link on the network card goes out, and there is no ping, no access to the PC itself. As soon as he gets the IP, ping jumps for a fraction of a second and after the last line he stops pinging and responding. My PC just freezes at the last stage. I specifically tried on my old configuration of the Asus VI Hero i7-4770K and everything looks great and does not hang. At the end of this inscription, a strip always flashes. On another configuration, there is no flashing strip. But the PC just freezes and that's the end of it.
  7. I rebuilt the loader using your link. The result is the same as in the others. Freezes and nothing else happens. I tried another loader, but the result is the same.
  8. I attached a screenshot with ARPL that gave out. The second screenshot is tinycore-redpill My problem is that the first 4 sata ports write that they are busy.
  9. Здравствуйте. Я в уже выше сегодня ветке https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/65969-freezes-at-the-booting-stage/#comment-389781 описывал проблему свою. У меня не получается завести dsm. На этапе создания флешки и загрузчика все отлично по локальной сети я вижу данное устройство все манипуляции делаю но когда пытаюсь загрузиться уже не посредственно в сам xpenology то у меня зависает на этапе Booting.... пинг перестает идти от машины, и сколько я не пробывал разных загрузчиков и устройств все без успешно. Я уже просто последнюю надежду тут ищу может кто пробывал, или знает обход данной проблемы, потому что я как кроме развертывания виртуалки на пк а там уже dsm я не вижу. Я продублирую свое железо (i5-12400, 16GB, Asus Prime B660M-A D4, 3xSkyhawk 4TB 1xSSD M.2 NVMe 250Gb Kingston NV1 SNVS/250G) Заранее спасибо за все советы буду. Надеюсь на вашу помощь. Спасибо еще раз.
  10. I searched the Internet for information, couldn't find anything. The campaign will have to be done on proxmox or something similar. Thanks for the help
  11. In the bios, everything that could be connected somehow with Nvme was disabled. I left 1 sata in the motherboard itself. And the result freezes the same and that's it. And in the program itself, doshihpor shows 4 occupied slots. I specially photographed the motherboard itself, where it can be seen that there is nothing except 1 sata already.
  12. So I tried to run it again and it hung up again. Rebooted everything the same way. I changed the flash drive to another one The result is the same
  13. I'm now reassembling the flash drive for another one already. There is a mac address
  14. Maybe there is a way to disable these first 4 ports ? Maybe they 're the problem ?
  15. Unfortunately, rebooting does not help. I have already rebooted 8 times, everything is not working yet. At this stage, it hangs and that's it. There is no response to the address, I pinged and there is no response from the server. Are there any other options?
  16. Hello. I'll start right away in order. I put it here on this guide https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl Specifications of my PC ( i5-12400, 16GB, Asus Prime B660M-A D4, 3xSkyhawk 4TB 1xSSD M.2 NVMe 250Gb Kingston NV1 SNVS/250G) Then when I put it using the Arpl method, the bootloader is installed on my USB flash drive, everything is fine. But at the Booting stage.... the computer is not responding. There is no access by IP. But at the boot stage, the IP is obtained via DHCP and it is visible for 3 seconds while there is still no Booting stage.... I tried this guide but all to no avail. On this guide at the stage ./rploader.sh satamap writes me 1 2 3 4 bad ports.https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/62221-tutorial-installmigrate-to-dsm-7x-with-tinycore-redpill-tcrp-loader/ , but all to no avail. On this guide at the stage ./rploader.sh satamap writes me 1 2 3 4 bad ports. Found "00:17.0 Intel Corporation Device 7ae2 (rev 11)" Detected 8 ports/3 drives. Bad ports: 1 2 3 4. Override # of ports or ENTER to accept <8> Computed settings: SataPortMap=8 DiskIdxMap=00 WARNING: Bad ports are mapped. The DSM installation will fail! And I do not know what else to do in this situation because in the Arpl method it freezes there at the loading stage. Here I can't make a flash drive because at the sata stage I have an error, if I make a build, it freezes at the flash drive build stage. Please help me, what can I do?
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