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wangsiji last won the day on February 20 2023

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  1. For 7.2 you may try this one (downloaded from https://mi-d.cn/d/ame72-3005.py , originating from import hashlib import os r = ['669066909066906690', 'B801000000', '30'] s = [(0x3718, 0), (0x60A5, 1), (0x60D1, 1), (0x6111, 1), (0x6137, 1), (0xB5F0, 2)] prefix = '/var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr' so = prefix + '/lib/libsynoame-license.so' print("Patching") with open(so, 'r+b') as fh: full = fh.read() if hashlib.md5(full).digest().hex() != '09e3adeafe85b353c9427d93ef0185e9': print("MD5 mismatch") exit(1) for x in s: fh.seek(x[0] + 0x8000, 0) fh.write(bytes.fromhex(r[x[1]])) lic = '/usr/syno/etc/license/data/ame/offline_license.json' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(lic), exist_ok=True) with open(lic, 'w') as licf: licf.write('[{"attribute": {"codec": "hevc", "type": "free"}, "status": "valid", "extension_gid": null, "expireTime": 0, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "duration": 1576800000, "appType": 14, "licenseContent": 1, "registered_at": 1649315995, "server_time": 1685421618, "firstActTime": 1649315995, "licenseCode": "0"}, {"attribute": {"codec": "aac", "type": "free"}, "status": "valid", "extension_gid": null, "expireTime": 0, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "duration": 1576800000, "appType": 14, "licenseContent": 1, "registered_at": 1649315995, "server_time": 1685421618, "firstActTime": 1649315995, "licenseCode": "0"}]') print("Checking whether patch is successful...") ret = os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-check-license") if ret == 0: print("Successful, updating codecs...") os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-auto-install-needed-codec") print("Done") else: print(f"Patch is unsuccessful, retcode = {ret}")
  2. interesting, could you please tell me which model are you using?
  3. After checking, I found that this file is almost the same as my file, so the patch script still applies. Please try this updated script: import hashlib import os r = ['669066909066906690', 'B801000000', '30'] s = [(0x1F28, 0), (0x48F5, 1), (0x4921, 1), (0x4953, 1), (0x4975, 1), (0x9AC8, 2)] prefix = '/var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr' so = prefix + '/lib/libsynoame-license.so' print("Patching") with open(so, 'r+b') as fh: full = fh.read() if hashlib.md5(full).digest().hex() not in ['fcc1084f4eadcf5855e6e8494fb79e23', '923fd0d58e79b7dc0f6c377547545930']: print("MD5 mismatch") exit(1) for x in s: fh.seek(x[0] + 0x8000, 0) fh.write(bytes.fromhex(r[x[1]])) lic = '/usr/syno/etc/license/data/ame/offline_license.json' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(lic), exist_ok=True) with open(lic, 'w') as licf: licf.write('[{"appType": 14, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "server_time": 1666000000, "registered_at": 1651000000, "expireTime": 0, "status": "valid", "firstActTime": 1651000001, "extension_gid": null, "licenseCode": "0", "duration": 1576800000, "attribute": {"codec": "hevc", "type": "free"}, "licenseContent": 1}, {"appType": 14, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "server_time": 1666000000, "registered_at": 1651000000, "expireTime": 0, "status": "valid", "firstActTime": 1651000001, "extension_gid": null, "licenseCode": "0", "duration": 1576800000, "attribute": {"codec": "aac", "type": "free"}, "licenseContent": 1}]') print("Checking whether patch is successful...") ret = os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-check-license") if ret == 0: print("Successful, updating codecs...") os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-auto-install-needed-codec") print("Done") else: print(f"Patch is unsuccessful, retcode = {ret}")
  4. For those who got MD5 mismatch message: Please post libsynoame-license.so so I can have a look.
  5. Could you please post more info on your problem? What machine model are you using? Which version of synology? Which version of AME? Could you upload /var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr/lib/libsynoame-license.so for me to have a look?
  6. Could you please post more info on your problem? What machine model are you using? Which version of synology? Which version of AME? Could you upload /var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr/lib/libsynoame-license.so for me to have a look?
  7. How to get AME3.0 to work: Install AME package, and run the following python script to get latest codec! import hashlib import os r = ['669066909066906690', 'B801000000', '30'] s = [(0x1F28, 0), (0x48F5, 1), (0x4921, 1), (0x4953, 1), (0x4975, 1), (0x9AC8, 2)] prefix = '/var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr' so = prefix + '/lib/libsynoame-license.so' print("Patching") with open(so, 'r+b') as fh: full = fh.read() if hashlib.md5(full).digest().hex() != 'fcc1084f4eadcf5855e6e8494fb79e23': print("MD5 mismatch") exit(1) for x in s: fh.seek(x[0] + 0x8000, 0) fh.write(bytes.fromhex(r[x[1]])) lic = '/usr/syno/etc/license/data/ame/offline_license.json' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(lic), exist_ok=True) with open(lic, 'w') as licf: licf.write('[{"appType": 14, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "server_time": 1666000000, "registered_at": 1651000000, "expireTime": 0, "status": "valid", "firstActTime": 1651000001, "extension_gid": null, "licenseCode": "0", "duration": 1576800000, "attribute": {"codec": "hevc", "type": "free"}, "licenseContent": 1}, {"appType": 14, "appName": "ame", "follow": ["device"], "server_time": 1666000000, "registered_at": 1651000000, "expireTime": 0, "status": "valid", "firstActTime": 1651000001, "extension_gid": null, "licenseCode": "0", "duration": 1576800000, "attribute": {"codec": "aac", "type": "free"}, "licenseContent": 1}]') print("Checking whether patch is successful...") ret = os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-check-license") if ret == 0: print("Successful, updating codecs...") os.system(prefix + "/bin/synoame-bin-auto-install-needed-codec") print("Done") else: print(f"Patch is unsuccessful, retcode = {ret}”) After codec is installed, you have to replace `synocodectool` to an empty bin returning 0. Execute the following shell script as root: cd /var/packages/CodecPack/target/bin mv synocodectool synocodectool.bak echo "#!/bin/sh" > synocodectool chmod 755 synocodectool Enjoy! Please test and feedback!
  8. Note that in order to use this, you will have to use a valid SN (but doesn't have to login synology account with that SN).
  9. This patcher enables Advanced Media Extensions 3.0 for you, without having to login account. Download AME3.0 from store. Put the following Python script to any location. Run it with root. Done.
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