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Posts posted by bonzoxxx

  1. @vanayr I agree with you regarding VMware, the problem is that if a standard syno blows up I can simply attach the hard drive to an ubuntu machine and recover data, if something happens to my server there is no way to have data back unless, of course, there is an external hard drive as backup and, always of course, I have one. 

    Right now I switched from a 212J to esxi than back to a 216play, it reasonably good but I'll continue messing with esxi.

    I'll take a look at veeam, thx for the tip.


  2. @luchuma many thanks for your guide, I've been successfully able to set my system in few steps.


    I only have one question: what if something brokes, I mean i.e. esxi disk or something hardware, how can I recover my data since virtual hard drive is formatted in BRTFS and hosted inside a VMDF 6 formatted phisical drive?


    I tried setting up another esxi on another system and, even if I've been able to make it run, DSM was totally unresponsive, loader "loaded" it fine but nothing.


    Could you please make a guide, or pin it here if there is an existing one, on "how to recover a VMDF6 data storage drive".


    Thanks a lot


    @reziel84 try this one, it's my OVF: https://alebon.ns0.it:5001/d/s/557989865719903283/MUzNe6kX8xi1B8iI9R5IJHK-tQIwegdv-fbQA0etgvgc_

    Let me know is it works, just add a second hard drive on the second sata controller.

    Inside the same folder there is the DSM install file I currently run but pay attention, boot drive are mounted as sata driver (loader 1.03b bug)

    This afternoon I'll move to a legit 216 play found for 100 euro but I'll continue testing DSM on ESXi.

    DO NOT STORE IMPORTANT DATA until everything is working fine.


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