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Posts posted by nighthawk

  1. Really looking forward to this project! :grin:

    Already tried it in a VM and that worked perfect. Eventually I like to run this on my MicroServer but I need the low power (HD idle) functions. :smile:

    It seems that the standby mode for hard drives should work, but I have a lot of disk activity and hdd does not sleep.

    But "hdparm -y" can send drive in standby mode:

    tux> hdparm -C /dev/sda
    drive state is:  active/idle
    tux> hdparm -y /dev/sda
    issuing standby command
    tux> hdparm -C /dev/sda
    drive state is:  standby

  2. Sorry but I am very new to this. Can you explain in detail what to do with the MAC?

    Find a file called "vender" in the second partition of your flash with dsm image, then open it in a hex editor.

    Find offset 0x1 to 0x6 (D8 D3 85 B1 AE 8E) and replace it on your own MAC.


    - I can install this on an N40L and this will act like a proper synology nas?

    Yes, more or less. You understand that there is no guarantee that everything will work as expected?

    - What would happen in the future if the server dies? Can I pull out a drive, put it in a USB enclosure, and access my data?

    DSM uses linux software raid, which assumes compatibility with other distributions of linux.

    It depends on what type of raid you ate using.

    - Can I just install any of the packages that Synology offers in their 'appstore'?

    Generally yes!

    - Can I just install any of the packages that Synology offers in their 'appstore'?

    - Could transcoding video to tablets and phones work using things like Plex?

    - How fast are filetransfers?

    Just try it!

    - How will updating to new versions of DSM work? Will it even be possible?

    This will be done later, perhaps.

    - If I put in two drives now, can I add a third later? What will that do?

    Depends on the type of raid.

    - Is it recommended to modify the bios or not?

    Yes, if you want to have full speed on all ports.

    - Does the device go into standby or low-power when there is no activity?

    No, this is the next challenge.

    - Is this legal? If not: will Synology be able to block access to their services?

    I do not care for it

    - How does DSM react to things like the VGA out?

    There appears a virtual console, for debugging.

    - How does it react to internal audio-out? Does that work?

    Мicroserver does not have internal audio.

    - Does the built-in raid do anything? Or are Synology boxes normally software raid?

    Microserver using a software Raid, like synology.

    - Does USB support work properly, so I can hook up a USB audiocard or USB TV-Tuner?

    I only tested dvb-t card, but we do not have a signal (I use the card as a cheap SDR).


    Anyway soon modified kernel code will be posted on github and everyone will be able to add or fix the things they need.

  3. This is usb flash image with dsm from my microserver:

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5tpWhE ... BkN3c/edit

    And this is some modules, which makes usb 2.0 works properly:

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5tpWhE ... hLSzg/edit


    Just write this image on your usb flash and change mac in "vender" file on a second partition to coincide with your stock MAC


    After successful installation (if successful), you need to copy all the modules (*.ko) into /lib/modules/, to fix usb.

    For example how i do it with scp utility:

    [nighthawk@localhost modules]$ scp -r *.ko root@
    root@'s password: 
    cdc-acm.ko                                                        100%   36KB  35.7KB/s   00:00    
    cdc_ether.ko                                                      100%   12KB  11.7KB/s   00:00    
    cdc_ncm.ko                                                        100%   16KB  15.7KB/s   00:00    
    ehci-hcd.ko                                                       100%   57KB  56.6KB/s   00:00    
    fuse.ko                                                           100%  106KB 105.9KB/s   00:00    
    uhci-hcd.ko                                                       100%   34KB  34.2KB/s   00:00    
    usb-common.ko                                                     100% 3328     3.3KB/s   00:00    
    usbcore.ko                                                        100%  234KB 233.5KB/s   00:00    
    usbhid.ko                                                         100%   45KB  45.4KB/s   00:00    
    usbip_common_mod.ko                                               100%   29KB  29.2KB/s   00:00    
    usbip.ko                                                          100%   32KB  31.8KB/s   00:00    
    usblp.ko                                                          100%   22KB  21.9KB/s   00:00    
    usbnet.ko                                                         100%   30KB  30.4KB/s   00:00    
    usb-storage.ko                                                    100%  107KB 106.5KB/s   00:00    
    xhci-hcd.ko                                                       100%  115KB 114.6KB/s   00:00    

  4. рассматривая сорцы, я заметил что есть некоторое количество кода, спрятанное за дефайном "ifdef MY_DEF_HERE"

    Данный код не собирается и этот дефайн нигде не устанавливается. Очень любопытно, что это за ветка кода такая....

    Задефайнил, пересобралось несколько файлов, визуально ничего не поменялось, ничего не отвалилось.

    Кстати вы сказали, что косяк с определением usb устройств кроется в настройках биоса. Не могу понять, где это исправить можно.


    Да, если надоела ругань на Unknown cmd fd ... - во втором посте этого треда добавил ещё один грубый хак.

  5. Еще в планах написать на PC тулзу, которая бы вставляла synobios.ko куда надо и пересчитывала бы контрольки.

    А то слишком много ручной работы.

    Можно зашить подмену модуля в рамдиск в скрипт обновления или после него, чтобы использовать оригинальный pat файл. Это будет удобно для обновления.

    Нужно попробовать на выходных на тестбоксе.

  6. Cпасибо!

    Ещё хочу добавить:

    При попытке запустить на AMD железе, ядро виснет.

    Нужно включить поддержку AMD процессоров в ваш .config:


    Далее ядро скорее всего начнет сыпать ошибками в лог:

    [   14.166781] parameter error. gpiobase=00000000, pin=16, pValue=ffff88041c0a1d9c
    [   14.175453] parameter error. gpiobase=00000000, pin=18, pValue=ffff88041c0a1d8c
    [   14.184580] parameter error. gpiobase=00000000, pin=20, pValue=ffff88041c0a1d9c

    Для подавления вывода этих ошибок можно в файле drivers/pci/quirks.c закомментировать строку "printk("parameter error. gpiobase=%08X, pin=%d, pValue=%p\n", gpiobase, pin, pValue);" так:

       if ( 0 == gpiobase ||
            ( pin < 0 || pin >= 96 ) ||
            NULL == pValue )
           //printk("parameter error. gpiobase=%08X, pin=%d, pValue=%p\n", gpiobase, pin, pValue);
           goto END;


    Для подавления ругани "Unknown cmd fd блаблабла" закомментировать в файле compat_ioctl.c с 1606 по 1611 строку вот так:

    	 sprintf(buf,"'%c'", (cmd>>_IOC_TYPESHIFT) & _IOC_TYPEMASK);
    if (!isprint(buf[1]))
    	sprintf(buf, "%02x", buf[1]);
    //compat_printk("ioctl32(%s:%d): Unknown cmd fd(%d) "
    //		"cmd(%08x){t:%s;sz:%u} arg(%08x) on %s\n",
    //		current->comm, current->pid,
    //		(int)fd, (unsigned int)cmd, buf,
    //		(cmd >> _IOC_SIZESHIFT) & _IOC_SIZEMASK,
    //		(unsigned int)arg, fn);

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