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Support for high end GPU and Bitcoin/litecoin mining


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Hi everyone,


I'm currently using xpenology on intel hardware (G1620, ivy bridge).


1st step :

I was wondering if it was possible to support high end discrete gpu (i have a hd7950 in mind) on xpenology. Has anyone done that ?


2nd step :

For bitcoin/litecoin mining i suppose I would need to cross compile some mining software to a spkg ? I found some infos, but none are really clear, and mostly aim at making usb external bitcoin card like Butterfly work.

Any info on that ?



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From what I have found, this is what I could do :


- install debian chroot (still didn't find clear info on how to do that) on xpenology

- follow this tutorial https://litecoin.info/Debian_Linux_cryptocoin_mining_rig_setup_guide to set up the amd drivers and mining soft (cgminer)


Any info on chroot debian ? Do you think it's possible to do that ?

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