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hi @ all,


currently i'm runnig an bare-metal xpenology on a 16bay chassis (x8sil-f, Xeon X3430, LSI-9201-16i, 8 GB ECC Ram, 10G QLOGIC NIC) with latest DSM and Nanoboot.


Now i got a new 15bay chassis with following HW setup:

X9SRL-F, Xeon E5-2603v2, 32GB reg ECC, 10G QLOGIC NIC, LSI-9300-16i (SAS3 12GBit HBA)


My requirements are actually quite simple..


pure and fast NAS functionality

rsync with current DS-1812+ and xpenology system for backup

virtualization of other OS (where i could f.e. encode some movies)

NO 24/7 operation needed/required/wanted


i've followed the http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3497 where the xpenology would be able to virtualize, however it seems not possible to use an extra GPU for encoding


So i still could use an Win2012R2 Server with HyperV or ESXI instead of bare-metal for the virtualization purposes.

However, if there's something wrong with the HostSystem i may have issues to access my data, that's why i like the bare-metal idea. Currently i only take out the drives and place them into my HP ML310 Server to "recover/access" them.


So would it be possible (of course with in deep linux knowledge) to add an GPU to the bare-metal xpenology for the virtualization?


What's your recommendations about my setup and requirements?




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