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Posts posted by TheRealMaN_

  1. On my system the disk sleeps and never wakes up on its own only after I set a sleep time manually via terminal command with root user:

    hdparm -S 60 /dev/sd{X}

    I've tested different time values and came to the conclusion that disk can only sleep when a time is no more than 5 minutes. If its greater than that  - the disk would never enter the hibernation state.
    You also can force it to hibernate immediately using command:

    hdparm -y /dev/sd{X}

    apart from that I've only set "Hibernation" option in "Control Panel" -> "Hardware & Power" -> "HDD Hibernation" to 10 minutes and also ran script from https://github.com/AlexFromChaos/synology_hibernation_fixer

  2. On my system the disk sleeps and never wakes up on its own only after I set a sleep time manually via terminal command with root user:

    hdparm -S 60 /dev/sd{X}

    I've tested different time values and came to the conclusion that disk can only sleep when a time is no more than 5 minutes. If its greater than that  - the disk would never enter the hibernation state.
    You also can force it to hibernate immediately using command:

    hdparm -y /dev/sd{X}

    apart from that I've only set "Hibernation" option in "Control Panel" -> "Energy Saving" to 10 minutes and also ran script from https://github.com/AlexFromChaos/synology_hibernation_fixer

  3. On 10/8/2023 at 10:37 PM, CassTG said:

    Ok Sir/Madam all i can say is you are a legend.


    Just built a new proxmox (shock horror lol) node and decided i would try this rather than the redpill way as i had done on my last machine.


    Literally had this up and running on first attempt kept it simple then added to the config to get all the basics running.


    I do get the email notification error others have mentioned but not fussed about that.


    As i went with bridge network, did have to open up more ports so SMB and NFS would work, but literally flawless install


    Here is my current config for those who are new to this (i use docker run rather than Yaml files)


    docker run -d  \
    -p 5000:5000 \
    -p 5001:5001 \
    -p 5353:5353 \
    -p 139:139 \
    -p 445:445 \
    -p 111:111 \
    -p 892:892 \
    -p 2049:2049 \
    -e DISK_SIZE=240G \
    -e ALLOCATE=N \
    -e CPU_CORES=4 \
    -e RAM_SIZE=2048M \
    -v synologydata:/storage \
    --device=/dev/kvm \
    --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --stop-timeout 60 \
    --restart unless-stopped \


    Switched to -d and --restart unless-stopped so that if the node or vm reboots it will auto start


    Please provide more info, do you run docker in LXC container? can you share your LXC config?
    I use Docker in several LXCs, but don't have a /dev/kvm device, does it need to be passed through from the proxmox host?

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