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Don Keedick

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Posts posted by Don Keedick

  1. Just found this yesterday while researching how I could re-purpose an Axient Replibit BDR. I actually have 2 of them and management decided to go a different direction {insert evil MSP} but we own these boxes and they are packed with serious horsepower. I really hate to see them sitting collecting dust when I could be using them to backup stuff on my own. They have a 24 bay drive enclosure, Intel Xeon processor, 64gb of ram. I have 24 SSD drives to use with this thing and only today was able to get passed the stupid Replibit loader after taking the box apart and finding a 256gb SATA M.2 SSD and removing it. So I am stumbling my way through this like so many other things in IT but I enjoy it. Been doing this stuff since early 2005 after working in the USAF and then as an automotive/marine tech for a few years. I certainly am not young anymore but I do love tech and technical stuff so here I am. Glad to be here and look forward to learning from you all.

  2. So I posted this in the General forum but it probably belongs here as I am a non-linux admin {N00B}.......LOL


    So I was able to get the boot loader running with TCRP and I ran through an installation how-to at https://xpenology.org/installation/ but now I am a bit bamboozled as to how I get the DSM software installed and running? I downloaded a copy of the DSM_DS3622xs+_42661.pat to use as I am trying to re-purpose this Axient Replibit Pro backup BDR box. This thing is a beats with a Zeon processor, 64gb of ram and 24 SSD drives connected to an LSI Raid controller. I had to remove the M.2 SATA SSD in order to get the TCRP to load via USB drive. So I have gotten this far but have run into wall as I cannot seem to find any information on how to get this PAT file installed? Can someone possibly help a non-linux admin get through this forest?

  3. Hello I have a couple of Replibit BDR appliances that I would love to re-purpose and XPEnology sounds like just what the doctor ordered? Has anyone loaded the firmware/software on one of these devices? If so is there a good tutorial I can follow to move forward with my idea? The appliances would be awesome re-purposed as NAS devices as I have an enormous amount of discs in these devices all SSD's. Thank you for any and all assistance in my quest. I have read a bunch of the FAQ's and newbie info but have not been successful at finding anything specific to the Replibit BDR appliances.

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