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Posts posted by mihayoo

  1. 6 hours ago, IG-88 said:

    driver should be ok as you have devices in /dev/dri

    videostation us usually usable with a patch


    but plex should be working with just the driver and plexpass (license needed to use hardware transcoding with plex)

    maybe try  this instead of plex https://synocommunity.com/package/jellyfin that should also work with just the i915 driver and hardware transcoding is free ootb to use

    Well, I used a vaild SN number and signed in synology account. And the plex pass has been purchased. Then I used jellyfin and failed at hw transcode.

  2. On 5/10/2020 at 7:46 PM, IG-88 said:

    for all with newer coffeelake cpu's like i3 9100 having problems using hardware transcoding in video station and /dev/dri persent


    looks like the problem it within video station 2.4.7 and below

    synology has a newer version 2.4.9 that came out after dsm 6.2.3 (and its new i915 driver mainly for geminilake x20+ systems)



    the patcher for codecs and transcoding (https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/24864-transcoding-without-a-valid-serial-number/) still works with this version


    to get dts/truehd audio to work it needs a wrapper, external ffmpeg and patching the libsynovte.so from video station

    the steps (including the patch above for serial number problem) need to repeated when a new video station version is installed

    a description for the dts/truehd audio fix is here:


    this is the ffmpeg i used

    https://synocommunity.com/package/ffmpeg or newer version https://github.com/th0ma7/synology/tree/master/packages


    BUT: if the external ffmepg is used with the wrapper the hardware transcoding fails, might be a problem with the wrapper or the ffmpeg

    so you need to decide between dts/truehd or hardware transcoding (at least for now)


    just in case the link gets invalid here is the text and i will attach the wrapper file that is downloaded

      description of changes for dts/truehd audio (Reveal hidden contents)

    # Save VideoStation's ffmpeg
    mv -n /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg.orig


    # Injecting the script (last revision aka 12)
    wget -O - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BenjaminPoncet/bbef9edc1d0800528813e75c1669e57e/raw/ffmpeg-wrapper > /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg


    # Change ownership and mode of the script
    chown root:VideoStation /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg
    chmod 750 /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg
    chmod u+s /var/packages/VideoStation/target/bin/ffmpeg


    # Save VideoStation's libsynovte.so
    cp -n /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
    chown VideoStation:VideoStation /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so.orig


    # Patch libsynovte.so to authorize DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
    sed -i -e 's/eac3/3cae/' -e 's/dts/std/' -e 's/truehd/dheurt/' /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so


    ffmpeg-wrapper 8.46 kB · 176 downloads

    Hello, IG88.My machine own an i3-8350k cpu with 3E91 GPUID(same with 9100).After installing 7.1.0-42661 system and injceting the vaild SN and MAC,drive looks like normal. However, HW transcode of plex and video station can't be used.I DON'T know how to solve the problem. Can you help me?


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