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Posts posted by yeric79

  1. Le 26/01/2023 à 03:54, Peter Suh a dit :



    Current TCRP is being discussed centering on TCRP FRIEND. Did you also use TCRP FRIEND?


    In TCRP FRIEND, the probability of encountering a 55% disk corruption message has been greatly reduced.


    it's ok with TCRP 0.9.4

    and with no update user_config.json (with update no hdd found)


    but GPU not detected










  2. hi
    sorry for long time with no answer


    i try test install with tinycore-redpill.v0.8.0.0-conv.vmdk on base HDD

    i use your script, 

    ./my.sh DVA3219
    or ./myv.sh DVA3219


    sometimes with differents settings no disk is detected

    sometimes install failed at 55%


    VM is on esxi 7 

    4 vCPU

    4 GO 

    Vmxnet 3


    Real CPU is CPU i9 9900K


    other VM running DS918+ , DS3622, 920 are ok


    Thank's for your work

  3. Le 28/10/2022 à 20:37, dimakv2014 a dit :

    As far as i know gtx1050 may work only with dva3219 but you may try with dva3221 some people reported pascal gpus to work with it. For some reason gtx1650 with gddr5 was released first and is included in driver 440.44, then after 5 months or so it was released with gddr6, unlike Gtx 1650 Super and gtx1660 which work fine since they are on 440.44 driver's list as well with gtx1650 gddr5



    i would try to install dva3219 but i can not find method.


    on pocopico rploader script this model is Not supported, only DVA 3221.


    an idea?

  4. Il y a 2 heures, yeric79 a dit :



    My dva3221 can not detect gtx 1650 gigabyte 


    passthrough enable on ESXI 7.0.3g but not detected on dva3221 GUI


    on cli

     nvidia-debugdump -l -z
    nvmlInit succeeded
    Listing all GPUs.
    Found 1 NVIDIA devices
    Error: nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(): Unknown Error
    FAILED to get details on GPU (0x0): Unknown Error



    an idea ?

    other info with lspci


    03:00.0 Class 0300: Device 10de:2188 (rev a1)
            DeviceName: pciPassthru0
            Subsystem: Device 1458:4027
            Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 64, IRQ 18
            Memory at fc000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
            Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
            Memory at e4000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=32M]
            I/O ports at 4000 [size=128]
            Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3
            Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
            Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
            Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel
            Capabilities: [250] Latency Tolerance Reporting
            Capabilities: [258] L1 PM Substates
            Capabilities: [128] Power Budgeting <?>
            Capabilities: [420] Advanced Error Reporting
            Capabilities: [600] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=024 <?>
            Capabilities: [900] Secondary PCI Express
            Capabilities: [bb0] Resizable BAR <?>
            Kernel driver in use: nvidia


  5. hi 


    My dva3221 can not detect gtx 1650 gigabyte 


    passthrough enable on ESXI 7.0.3g but not detected on dva3221 GUI


    on cli

     nvidia-debugdump -l -z
    nvmlInit succeeded
    Listing all GPUs.
    Found 1 NVIDIA devices
    Error: nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(): Unknown Error
    FAILED to get details on GPU (0x0): Unknown Error



    an idea ?

  6. il y a une heure, Peter Suh a dit :


    Why not contact @flyride again on the topic below?




    This topic is discussing bare metal, and I also don't have much experience with exsi vm.


    It would be good to ask @flyride who is experienced or post it in the general Questions section.

    hi !


    ok excuse me


  7. la solution :


    mv -f /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so.1.0 /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so.1.0-bak
    wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jinlife/Synology_Photos_Face_Patch@main/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so -O /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so.1.0
    chmod +x /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so.1.0
    chown SynologyPhotos:SynologyPhotos /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-model.so.1.0

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  8. hello, 


    je me bat pour faire fonctionner la reconnaissance faciale dans synology photos.


    j'ai essayé pas mal de chose, mais en vain.


    Je suis sur ESXi 6.7, DS918+, serial et mac address ok, AME activé et à jour.


    j'ai essayé de désactivé l'usage du GPU au profit du CPU avec le script libsynophoto-plugin-model.so mais ca ne marche tjrs pas


    Quelqu'un a t'il réussi ?


    A vous lire


  9. Le 27/11/2021 à 09:51, olivierfar74 a dit :

    Bonjour j'ai utiliser le tutorial sur youtube https://www.suteediy.tk/archives/388 mais je n'ai pas utiliser la version dsm 701.pat cela ne fonctionnait pas j'ai donc recuperé une autre version  et paf cela a fonctionner voila attention a bien faire comme dans le video mais c'est bien expliquer en sous titrage anglais voila.


    Attention je vois que j'ai écris une grosse bêtise ce n'est pas le fichier *.pat qui n'est pas bon mais bien image de redpill que j'ai recuperer comme marquer si dessus encore mille excuse donc bien prend en tous cas pour moi '' est non celle qui est proposer sur le site suteediy qui ne fonctionnais pas.

    merci a toi pour tes liens,

    cela m'a permis d'installer un "xpe"918+ en dsm 7.0.1 sur un esx 6.7



    rien fait de special sinon telecharger le fichier redpill-DS918+_7.0.1-42218_211015.img

    le transformer en vmdk avec winimage

    + telecharger le firmware synology DSM_DS918+_42218.pat pour l'install

    c'est tout ...



    NB : pour la partie disk ESX se mettre sur une interface SATA sinon l'install plantera a 55%






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