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Posts posted by CassTG

  1. Ok Sir/Madam all i can say is you are a legend.


    Just built a new proxmox (shock horror lol) node and decided i would try this rather than the redpill way as i had done on my last machine.


    Literally had this up and running on first attempt kept it simple then added to the config to get all the basics running.


    I do get the email notification error others have mentioned but not fussed about that.


    As i went with bridge network, did have to open up more ports so SMB and NFS would work, but literally flawless install


    Here is my current config for those who are new to this (i use docker run rather than Yaml files)


    docker run -d  \
    -p 5000:5000 \
    -p 5001:5001 \
    -p 5353:5353 \
    -p 139:139 \
    -p 445:445 \
    -p 111:111 \
    -p 892:892 \
    -p 2049:2049 \
    -e DISK_SIZE=240G \
    -e ALLOCATE=N \
    -e CPU_CORES=4 \
    -e RAM_SIZE=2048M \
    -v synologydata:/storage \
    --device=/dev/kvm \
    --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --stop-timeout 60 \
    --restart unless-stopped \


    Switched to -d and --restart unless-stopped so that if the node or vm reboots it will auto start

  2. After sussing the full process out this week, and many thanks of course to the OP and contributors, i decided to do a Video of the whole process today for those unsure on how to get this running on Proxmox. Mine is not a complex setup at all so YMMV however the video shows all the steps, which i do slightly differently i think by not using the vmdk image and converting it but using the normal image to boot from. However i have repeated the process many times and it's success each time!. I have not made the video public out of respect to the OP, however any one wanting the link, just message me and i will send.


    Thanks again, this is absolute top work!

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  3. Okay so i have tried searching for similar issues but as of yet cannot find anyone with a similar problem.


    First off thanks for the great work, set this up in proxmox a week or so ago and for the most part its running like a dream. 


    Setup as follows:


    Proxmox VE 7.0.11

    Vm Setup : Seabios, Q35, 4 cores host passthrough, 6gb Ram, Intel E1000, LSI Scsi

    XP Version - DSM 6.2.3-25426, DS918+ Loader 1.04b


    So the question i have is regarding system time. I noticed this when trying to setup 2FA and that it would error each time due to the time mismatch. SO i checked on the system time in Regional settings and it was nearly 10-15 Minutes out. Now i have a scheduled task which ran every hour to sync (rather than using the sync ntp in settings), however i have now had to set this up to run every minute as its literally seems to loose 10-15 seconds every minute. For the life of me i cannot think what this is so the workaround for now is doing the job.


    Just wondered if anyone else has seen similar or can throw out there some things i may have overseen.

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