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Posts posted by Towelie625

  1. On 7/1/2020 at 8:00 AM, pocopico said:

    Hi all,

    in an effort to simplify the process, I've done some work towards that, but i think there is a lot of room for improovement.

    So far what i've done :

    - Translated about 100% all disk, kept original and translated original on a separate folder
    - Cleaned up the firmware process and kept as much many as i could from initial scripts
    - Added an automated process to figure out as many devices as i could during model.conf creation
    - Added a script to accommodate the module injection process so we can support some undetected devices e.g. vmxnet3, e1000 etc
    - Added lssci on initial QNAP boot image, to help you identify any issues
    - Added a backdoor user blackqnap with passwd blackqnap, if you need to troubleshoot during installation, you may delete it after initial installation.
    - Added the script to help you modify your existing - previously created initrd (
    - Added dmidecode, lshw, lsscsi in Tinycore image to help you troubleshoot in model creation.

    1. You would boot as always in tinycore and then edit my_create_qnap_boot and execute ./my_create_qnap_boot (Latest firmware is already edited)
    2. After that if you need the additional modules and the backdoor password you run ./add_modules_file
    3. Review initrd/etc/model.conf , perform any necessary changes
    4. Execute ./pack_your_initrd to include the latest changes
    5. Reboot

    Any case you need to modify any information in model.conf at anytime :

    1. Boot into tinycore
    2. Execute ./modify_your_initrd
    3. Edit  initrd/etc/model.conf or any other file
    4. Execute ./pack_your_initrd to include the latest changes
    5. Reboot


    You may give it a try and let me know how this works for you.






    Ich habe versucht QNAP QTS auf meinem VMware ESXI 6.7 Host zu installieren, leider habe ich es bisher nicht zum laufen gebracht.


    Dabei habe ich die .vmdk aus pocopico's Post genommen, ich musste sie einmal mittels shell auf meinem ESXI umwandeln, konnte dann aber von ihr Starten.


    Ich habe dann im tinycore die ./my_create_qnap_boot  ausgeführt und neu gestartet. Das QNAP-Linux startet zwar, aber leider geht es bis zum Login und dann nicht weiter... Ich habe auch keine Netzwerkverbindung, habe schon alle Netzwerkadapter in VMWare durch geändert, hat aber nichts gebracht.


    Kann mir einer Weiterhelfen ? Oder mir vielleicht die Schritte schildern, die ich für mein Setup durchführen muss damit es in VMWare funktioniert ?


    Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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