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Posts posted by makemyday

  1. It would be nice if someone makes an emulator of COM1 (it controls fans, leds status, buzzer and returns synology id) for XPEnology, so there will be no need to patch the synobios.ko for our solution, because patching is bad :wink:

  2. Включение "MY_DEF_HERE" ничего не даст, так как оно сильно завязано на "MY_ABC_HERE", которая в свою очередь на самом деле является несколькими разными дефайнами, которые были заменены на один и тот же по всему исходному коду, чтобы исходный код нормально не собирался.

  3. The main problem with Synology sources is "MY_DEF_HERE" and "MY_ABC_HERE", which are defined in "linux-3.x/include/linux/syno_user.h" header file. I assume, that "MY_ABC_HERE" is a fake define and there were few different defines, that were changed to "MY_ABC_HERE" all over the source code. And "MY_DEF_HERE" is totally dependent on one of the pre-"MY_ABC_HERE". So, in fact, it's almost impossible to play with "MY_DEF_HERE" and "MY_ABC_HERE" defines in global, we can only change an exact location, like it was done before.

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