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Posts posted by Djikstra

  1. @cinpou I ran into this same issue, and it seems to be specific to RAID LINUX partitions.  Although I wasn't able to figure out how to mount the first system partition on every disk I was able to zero out (wipe) the system partition, which effectively removes the configuration file that specifies the version of the DSM you have to use.  


    Say you have a /dev/sda and it has the 3 partitions - use the following command to zero out the first system partition


    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1

    WARNING: You ONLY want to zero out the first partition, doing it to the base disk will zero out the whole disk.  


    Once you boot back into your Synology NAS OS it will show a warning that you have a degraded disk, all you need to do is repair it at that point and everything is good to go. 


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