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Posts posted by Tomek

  1. Hi guys,


    I'm trying to setup a XPEnology VM under VirtualBox. It boots fine, I have access to the Web Assistant UI, but it fails to install after this. It starts to format the synoboot.vdi, then error, forward your telnet port etc... I have to copy a fresh version of synoboot.vdi each time, otherwise I have an error 22.


    EDIT : my bad, the virtual hard drive I've created wasn't large enough. With a 32gb VDI, it works.

  2. I personnality switched to OpenMediaVault. XPEnology is a great project, but I can't let a non-updated OS with security issues running on my network.


    Interesting. Hadn't seen OpenMediaVault. I might be willing to switch but I have drives of different sizes and SHR is really a brilliant solution over RAID5. Also, I'm enjoying the surveillance station so I'm not sure how I would replace that if I ran OpenMediaVault. Run something like motion?

    Well, some people are currently developping a SnapRAID plugin that will allow you to use disks of different sizes, and protect only the FOLDERS you want to protect with single or double parity. That's kinda cool.


    Regarding a surveillance solution, I know there's no plugin for that, but keep in mind that OpenMediaVault is basically a Debian system with a nice web-ui for management. I think you can find easily a surveillance software for linux. Give it a try with a virtualbox.

  3. As promised, the kernel modules compiled for the Synology ESXi build :smile:


    Make sure the vSynology is bootstrapped.


    the script will copy the VMWare kernel modules in /opt/lib/modules/ which is 3.2.30 at the moment.


    I installed open-vm-tools but the script doesn't start on boot and even if I start the script after boot, vSphere client still sees VMware Tools as "Not Installed", is that normal ?

  4. Tomek :


    Te sens tu en pleine forme pour nous faire un joli et tout beau tuto (:razz:) en francais ?

    (Matos compatible, installation, configuration, ect...)


    Dans l'attente, marchi.


    (Tu peux au pire me contacter en pm)

    J'y songeais depuis quelques jours déjà, je m'y colle !


    Donc il serait possible de faire tourné un Windows et un DSM sans soucis avec un bon Hardware ?

    Ca ne me semble pas impossible, je ne suis pas encore suffisamment callé en ESXi, mais il devrait normalement être possible d'utiliser une machine virtuelle (ici, Windows) directement depuis le serveur en profitant des I/O claviers, souris, et pourquoi pas d'une carte graphique pour le jeu en PCI Passthough pour des performances quasi-natives.

  5. salut, je suis nouveau


    c'est quoi un serveur ESXi ?

    Salut sHnouL et bienvenue parmi nous.


    Un serveur ESXi, ou "ESXi whitebox" chez les anglophones, est un serveur faisant tourner l'hyperviseur VMWare ESXi. Pour simplifier à mort, un hyperviseur est un micro système d'exploitation, installé directement sur le serveur (comme une installation classique pour un Windows, un Ubuntu...), qui va ensuite permettre d'exécuter des machines virtuelles sur ce serveur. L'hyperviseur et les machines virtuelles s'administrent à distance via le logiciel vSphere Client et/ou en SSH.


    Si tu as du matos compatible ou que tu cherches à monter une machine pour faire tourner DSM, cette solution me parait être la plus souple : le hardware (et les pilotes !) sont gérés par ESXi, qui est compatible à ce jour avec largement plus de matos que les repacks de firmware Synology disponibles sur ce forum. Les performances sont de premier ordre, tu peux réaliser des backup de tes machines virtuelles, et surtout, ton serveur te permettra de faire bien d'autres choses qu'un NAS si l'envie t'en dit. Pour ma part, je vais tenter d'y greffer une distribution linux pour faire en plus routeur et firewall...



  6. Bonjour tout le monde !


    En ce qui me concerne, j'ai monté un serveur ESXi depuis lequel je fais tourner une machine virtuelle XPEnology. Voici ma configuration :


    Carte mère : Intel DQ45CB

    Processeur : Intel Core2Quad Q9400

    Mémoire : 4GB

    Disques durs : 2x WD Red 3TB


    En suivant à la lettre le guide de Tuatara, j'ai obtenu une machine autorisant des tranferts jusqu'à 90MB/s, soit les mêmes performances que j'avais relevé sur la même configuration en installant OpenMediaVault en natif. J'aime beaucoup cette solution à base de machine virtuelle, qui autorise davantage de souplesse dans les backup, les snapshots, les tests, etc... Et les performances n'en patissent pas à condition d'installer ses disques durs en paravirtual SCSI comme indiqué dans le guide.


    Ma prochaine étape : installer le bootstrap ipkg + open-vm-tools sur ma machine virtuelle afin de pouvoir commander l'extinction ou la mise en veille du NAS virtuel depuis ESXi, en cas de coupure de courant relevé par mon onduleur, par exemple. J'ai aussi une carte RAID 3ware 9650SE-2LP qui traine, aussi je veillerais à faire quelques tests afin de voir ce que donnent les performances en PCI Passthrough.



  7. I received my extra hardware from eBay last week and my ESXi whitebox + virtual XPEnology are up and running ! I followed to the letter Tuatara's excellent tutorial with HDD configured in PVSCSI, I reach 90MB/s.


    Motherboard : Intel DQ45DB

    Processor : Intel Core2Quad Q9400

    Memory : 4GB

    Hard drives : 2x WD Red 3TB


    Thanks again for your guide. I'm not currently at home, and I'm eager to install bootstrap + open-vm-tools. I guess that VM Tools will allow you to control shutdown/sleep/hibernate directly from the vSphere client ?

  8. I must admit that I lack some knowledge to build my own kernel... A lot of people are asking "please add support for XXX", and the current kernel building guide is a little bit obscure for novices like me. And in the same time, I would like to be able to add the support of my own devices without depending on other members, and why now, to contribute to the releases. If I understand correctly, you'll have to rebuild the kernel and adding the support of new devices each time Synology release a new DSM build. The GPL sources of DSM 4.2 build 3211 will be available soon, and I would really like to be able to build my own kernel for my devices with this release, and the next releases, directly from the Synology GPL sources.


    I someone feeling okay to write an "idiot's guide" for kernel building, or maybe to edit the current guide with more insights ? That would be great for the community.

  9. As requested, I've created an Idiot's Guide document which details the installation steps and options required in order to install DSM 4.2 on ESXi 5.1. A complete screen-shot example of all configuration steps is provided, with a fully virtual configuration for testing purposes. Details are also included about creating RDM VMDK disk images instead of VMFS based virtual disks.


    Thanks again go to jukolaut and odie82544 for making DSM 4.2 on ESXi 5.1 possible.


    Idiot's Guide to DSM 4.2 and ESXi 5.1.docx - http://depositfiles.com/files/virzefc1a

    Many thanks for this excellent guide, Tuatara :wink:

  10. In this case you should consider building an ESXi whitebox that will allow you to run XPEnology on standalone mode or in VM mode, and any other VMs actually, depending on your needs of the day. Check this link for an example of build. But I wouldn't go for a thin mini itx, I'd choose the micro-ATX Intel DQ77MK motherboard (one of the NIC is compatible with ESXi and probably with standalone XPEnology), and one of these CPU : low power, VT-d compatible and at least 4 threads.

  11. Also, could you test if HDD hibernation is working ? Thanks.


    I've only got Intel SSD's and WD Caviar Green drives available at the moment, which are low power & auto-hibernate (why I got them). I'll see what I can get to test though ... I must have another old drive around I could use. What drive(s) are you wanting to test? Seagates?


    Note: I'm assuming you mean on VMDirectPath I/O & Synology controlled spin-down time.

    Oh, I didn't knew that some hard drives can auto-hibernate. That's a good news, I was afraid that my fake DSM box will let my hard drives spinning 24/7, which cannot be a good thing unless these drives are server-class super-expensive hard drives. I only have two WD 500GB and one Samsung 500GB for now, for testing purposes, and I was planning to buy 2x3TB WD Green or Red if I'm able to make the firmware run smoothly on my box.


    So, yes, could you test the synology hibernation with your WD drives in VMDirectPath I/O please ? I don't see how synology hibernation could work with VHD or RDM, but if that's actually the case, please let us know :smile:

  12. Anyone tried with VmDirectPath I/O for a direct access to a a SATA/RAID controler ?


    Not yet. I was going to use RDM (Raw Device Mapping) for the drives, but I do have a box running ESXi with Vt-d support, so I could give it a go that way too. What SATA controllers are supported?

    Some people reported that RDM performances are similar to "classic" virtual hard drive: poor. Regarding the supported SATA controllers, you should check this post. VmDirectPath I/O is tricky, everything has to support the pci passthrough (motherboard, BIOS, CPU, and of course the controllers), but it could be the most practical way to use XPEnology regarding performances and reliability (snapshots).


    I wish I could test this but none of my current hardware supports XPEnology in standalone mode, let alone VT-d virtualization.

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