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Posts posted by ilgrandetia

  1. Ok for people using the KVM (i.e. proxmox, xeserver etc) I've made a compatible image for you.




    Its a straight conversion from the original synoboot.img



    For anyone wanting to change the MAC, Serial etc. download OSFMount from here



    Mount the image using OSFMount (Making sure to give read.write permissions)


    Open the drive, edit the grub.cfg as required


    Now find a copy of qemu-img and install it.

    You can run the following command line to convert the image to the KVM compatible qcow2 format


    qemu-img.exe convert -f raw -O qcow2 original.img output.img


    Now create a KVM virtual machine assign an IDE hardrive with the output.img file to boot and also add a 10GB+ SATA drive second.


    Make sure your network card type is set to Intel 1000e


    Boot you're VM and find it using the synology assistant (Download from synology)


    I have this working on the QNap NAS drive using their version of KVM (Virtualisation Station)



    Hope this helps!!


    I've tried with xen server 7 but didn't work. when try to start the VM didn't find any bootable system. By default the .img file is not recognise by xen server tools and I try to convert it in .vhd or .vmdk to import it into the system, but without success.

    let me know if there is a way to make it workin xenserver, thanks in advance

  2. Any chance you could make a XenServer image? The vm and esxi image doesn't work with Xen.


    I'm also interested into it...no chance to make it work in Xen Server 7? start the boot but no findable with find.synology.com or synology assistance... :sad:

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