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Posts posted by korotkov

  1. В 27.05.2023 в 17:35, d-star сказал:

    hi guys! i'm from poland and i have my own xpenology on DELL Wyse 5070, work like a charm!


    Hi! How did you managed to boot from emmc module? or used usb boot? 


    I have a naming problem with emmc drive. Linux find it as mmcblk0(p1-p3) but the script is looking for mmc(3) drive.

  2. 17 минут назад, x01015918 сказал:



    I have the same issue with reboots, or the whole server going offline even if it's powered up with network lights working. I have test hw transcoding and it seem to be working but it the processor is not boosting, I have j4205 and it stays at 1.5 ghz.

    I tried to test hardware transcoding and it is not working for me.

    cat /usr/syno/etc/packages/VideoStation/codecs.conf






    but when i try to open video thru VideoStation it shows error



    also I didn't have this path to check activation of codecs /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf 


    4 часа назад, sunshine сказал:


    Did you install bare metal ? Did you upgrade from DSM 6.1 ?

    I installed on bare metal with jun's bootloader 1.03a2. On clean SSD, it worked fine some time and i decided to migrate my hdds. Migration failed so I reinstalled DSM 6.2 and set up as new DS.

    It works but I have some issues with spontaneously reboots. Example: I installed some packages and it reboots itself. Wanted to index all video files - > rebooted.

    And restart/shutdown not working. only helps pushing button reboots


    PS.: htop shows only one core.

    P.S.S: added logs dir. hope it helps


  4. 9 минут назад, Polanskiman сказал:


    What version of the loader did you use? 3615xs, 3617xs or 916+ ? I assume since you posted in this topic that you were using DSM 6.1.3-15152 update-4.

    3617xs and yes, after upgrading to update 4. It passed few days and today it broke up.


    I have kaby lake processor, thats why i use 3617xs. Is there a huge difference to use 3615xs? I didn't had such issues with it.

  5. Today my dsm shows "page is not found"

    and can't mount volumes.

    I have esxi 6.5, gigabyte z270n wifi, g4560 and 8gb ram

    tried to unmount all hdds, create new virtual disk, installed dsm, booted it and working like new, and after mounting my existing hdds it's not working and showing sorry, page you are looking for is not found.

  6. Только что, waspsoton сказал:

    I have a strange issue. I have 6.13 installed but I can only get dsm to see 4 drives. There is 6 connected to the machines data ports. Any ideas? I don't think it's the motherboard as when I go into the bios I can see all the drives.

    maybe you have separate sata controllers?

    One works without issues, and the second one not supported. It's just my opinion.

    Did it worked on earlier versions?

  7. 23 часа назад, DeWebdude сказал:

    How did you upgrade to those current versions?


    I believe if you end up stuck, using a NEW drive with nothing else in the box, build it as a new NAS, then reboot with your drive as a 2nd drive and you will at least see your data and may be able to repair what has been broken.

    At this point I'm thinking I won't put LACP again for now.

    I rebooted with force install option and reinstalled dsm with migration. nothing is lost and hope it will work without issues.

  8. 16 минут назад, DeWebdude сказал:

    Hi korotkov,


    How did you upgrade to those versions, from within the update application in synology?

    I thought that was a bad thing?

    Also, Jun's loader says "v1.02b (DS3615xs, DS3617xs and DS916+) is for DSM 6.1 - AMD not compatible - Latest version for DSM 6.1"

    So I thought you couldn't go higher?


    In respect to your issue, how did you resolve it, if at all?




    I upgraded with the latest bootloader, but used to upload 6.1.3 manually, because it didn't showed at update section.

    Unfortunately I didn't solve it yet. It even didn't connect to smb(yesterday evening it worked). 

    Will continue trying after work.


  9. 4 минуты назад, DeWebdude сказал:

    Hello All,


    I was able to successfully upgrade 5.x to 6.1, ran for a couple of days, then after a powerfail something strange happened, I could never see the IP in assistant and of course can't get to interface via web IP ( hard coded ).  Using Jun's 1.02B loader.


    I then made a new thumb drive to test and still the same type of thing. I noticed on the switch which had LACP for 2 ports, that it said link down and showed both ports in standby member with no ports active.  Taking away LACP made no difference.


    I even went as far as replacing the server hardware to the same exact type of server without success.

    Strangely enough if I disconnect the 2 hard drives and boot up on the USB alone, it sees the box and of course requests drives.


    I decided to put a blank drive in the system, installed and everything ran, I then put 1 of the former mirrored drives in and I was able to read everything.

    I eventually got both drives in raid again and it was syncing.

    When I bonded the cards for LACP 9000 MTU, guess what locked up again.

    This was working fine in the 5.x version.


    Am I the only one experiencing the issue with LACP which somehow trashes the box and doesn't allow it to boot?





    I got the same situation, after i upgraded to 6.1.3-15152 from 6.1.2.

    It worked fine day or two, but after nothing... empty "synology page" saying that there is no such page. and ssh also not working...

  10. Upgrade or fresh install to 6.1, everything looks good. But after one night, i can't login to DSM webpage, it said "Sorry, the page you are looking for is not found". Any one has the same issue and how to fix it? I tried to re-install, but the same issue occur again after over 12hrs.

    I got the same on asrock j3160-itx.

    Reinstalled yesterday, but today the same. Don't know how to fix it...

  11. I found that after clear install of dsm6 there is no SHR option, when create raid group.

    I have ASRock J3160-ITX, I also tried on Asus J1900. The same. Does anybody have the same issues?

  12. Could you write all uefi settings that you have?

    Do you use PCIe sata or using ASMedia sata3?

    J3160ITX is one of my test boards, so it is expected to work out of box, if you set VID/PID to match your usb drive.


    one thing I forget to mention, you'd better plug your usb stick in a USB2 port, usb3 port has some issue duration installation if I recall correctly.

    Thanks. I don't know what exactly helped, but it work now. I edited grub.cfg, changed VID/PID serial mac and it works.

    Thank you!

  13. Hi! How did you make it work. I got almost the same Mobo only without DC. I made a boot flash, it offered me to migrate. and after uploading 8451.pat it shows error 13 (file corruption).

    I tried to download last firmware from migrating tool and directly from my computer. nothing hepled.


    I used Jun's bare metal UEFI DSM 6 bootloader from OP (opening post) and updated grub.cfg:

    serial --port=0x3F8 --speed=115200
    terminal_input serial
    terminal_output serial
    set default='0'
    set timeout='1'
    set fallback='0'
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod part_gpt
    set locale_dir=$prefix/locale
    set lang=en_US
    menuentry 'Synology DS3615xs' --class os {
    insmod fat
           set img=$prefix/../image/DS3615xs
    linux $img/zImage root=/dev/md0 syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 netif_num=1 HddHotplug=0 syno_hw_version=DS3615xs vender_format_version=2 vid=0x0781 pid=0x5583 console=ttyS0,115200n8 sn=xxxxxxx mac1=xxxxxxx withefi elevator=your_magic_elevator quiet
    initrd $img/ramdisk.lzma


    Replace VID, PID, sn and mac1 with yours.


    Make sure you have enabled COM port in UEFI BIOS, also switch to UEFI boot. Then boot up and open browser to find.synology.com. There click on Install latest DSM button (no need to select any pat, it will download correct one automatically). After restart you will have NAS updated to DSM 6.0.2-8451. Don't forget to perform update to DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 2 via Control panel.

    Thanks for response.

    I've made everything as you described, but it's not working.

    I have ASRock J3160TIX. updated UFI to v1.3

    Made a clear CMOS, Enabled(by default) COM Port to address 3F8h/IRQ4

    advanced\USB Support\ Switched to UEFI setup only

    Tried to change HDD to new one.

    Booted from 1st efi partition, and the second UEFI and had the same result - > Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted (13)


    Could you write all uefi settings that you have?

    Do you use PCIe sata or using ASMedia sata3?

  14. Hi guys,


    Yesterday, I successfully migrated my box from DSM 5.2 to 6 (see my signature). All important things work. Here is my feedback:


    ASMedia ASM1061 SATA Constroller

    By dmesg this sata controller is detected correctly, but I can't confirm full functionality - I don't have attached any hdd on it. Anyway I guess in worst case it would need to a little bit modify grub.cfg and add SataPortMap=22 (two drivers on primary and two drivers on secondary SATA controller).

    [    4.459069] scsi0 : ahci
    [    4.461455] scsi1 : ahci
    [    4.467931] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0x91411000 port 0x91411100 irq 135
    [    4.467941] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0x91411000 port 0x91411180 irq 135
    [    4.468220] ahci 0000:04:00.0: irq 136 for MSI/MSI-X
    [    4.468283] ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
    [    4.468332] ahci 0000:04:00.0: AHCI 0001.0200 32 slots 2 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
    [    4.468339] ahci 0000:04:00.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag led clo pmp pio slum part ccc
    [    4.480222] scsi2 : ahci
    [    4.482613] scsi3 : ahci
    [    4.485704] ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m512@0x91200000 port 0x91200100 irq 136
    [    4.485713] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m512@0x91200000 port 0x91200180 irq 136



    Docker unfortunately now require BTRFS volume. Thus you have to create your volume from scratch as a BTRFS (I am planing this to do later).



    I am not able to start L2TP/IPsec VPN server even if it looks like it's configured correctly (this doesn't work on 5.2 too). I will have to look for some logs or start service in debug mode. It was some problem after installation / upgrade. I reinstalled the VPN server package and configured again and now it works. Don't forget to use uppercase usernames in your L2TP/IPsec VPN clients.


    Power off button

    The power off button do nothing by default on DSM 6. On DSM 5.2 I used acpid (v2.0.23) to call syno_poweroff_task -r on power-off button press. Acpid now works for me on DSM 6. It needs button.ko a evdev.ko to be inserted before acpid start.


    Here is the package. Just extract it, copy files and directories to root and reboot your nas.


    I compiled it in Debian chroot directly on my NAS from quicknick 7274 kernel sources:

    cp synoconfigs/bromolow .config
    make ARCH="x86_64" oldconfig
    make ARCH="x86_64" menuconfig
    # set as module: Device Drivers ---> Input device support --> Event interface 
    make ARCH="x86_64" modules


    ROOT access

    You don't need allow root to login via ssh. Just login as admin and with sudo elevate permission to root user (e.g. sudo su)

    Hi! How did you make it work. I got almost the same Mobo only without DC. I made a boot flash, it offered me to migrate. and after uploading 8451.pat it shows error 13 (file corruption).

    I tried to download last firmware from migrating tool and directly from my computer. nothing hepled.

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