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Posts posted by Alydis

  1. I am struggling to understand how permissions for Plex on my DSM work.


    I have a freshly installed DSM 6.2.  I installed via a migration in which the DSM was installed fresh; but I kept my volumes.  I then installed Plex via the SPK downloaded directly from Plex.


    Contrary to many topics, I find that plex is not in my administrators group (either in the UI, nor in /etc/group, nor int synogroup --get administrators).


    root@nas1:~# synogroup --get administrators
    Group Name: [administrators]
    Group Type: [AUTH_LOCAL]
    Group ID:   [101]
    Group Members:
    root@nas1:~# synogroup --get users
    Group Name: [users]
    Group Type: [AUTH_LOCAL]
    Group ID:   [100]
    Group Members:
    root@nas1:~# synouser --get plex
    User Name   : [plex]
    User Type   : [AUTH_LOCAL]
    User uid    : [1027]
    Primary gid : [100]
    Fullname    : [Plex User]
    User Dir    : [/var/services/homes/plex]
    User Shell  : [/sbin/nologin]
    Expired     : [false]
    User Mail   : []
    Alloc Size  : [119]
    Member Of   : [2]
    (100) users
    (65536) video

    Its strange to me that synogroup --get users doesn't list any members; but from both the UI and from the synouser --get plex, it seem that plex is in fact in the users group.


    I have several mixed permissions in my movies shared folder.  It's a bit of a mess, and I intend to clean up -- but I'm trying to understand how Plex has access to everything right now.


    Here are some examples:

    root@nas1:~# ls -l /volume1/movies
    drwxrwxrwx  2      101   users    4096 Aug 21 23:02 Movie1
    d---------+ 3 someuser   users    4096 Jan  3  2016 Movie2
    root@nas1:~# synoacltool -get Movie2
    ACL version: 1
    Archive: is_inherit,is_support_ACL
    Owner: [someuser(user)]
    	 [0] group:administrators:allow:rwxpdDaARWc--:fd--  (level:1)
    root@nas1:~# synoacltool -get Movie2/movie.mkv
    ACL version: 1
    Archive: is_inherit,is_support_ACL
    Owner: [someuser(user)]
    	 [0] group:administrators:allow:rwxpdDaARWc--:----  (level:1)

    So, with Movie1 above, it doesn't use ACL and the directory (and file) is in the users group and has 777 permissions.  It makes sense the Plex can play that movie.


    What doesn't make sense is that Plex can also play Movie2 (I can even delete the file from the UI).  From what I can tell, it only grants permissions to the named administrators group, and has no standard Linux permissions.


    When I use the Permission Inspector in the UI, it doesn't appear that the plex user has any permissions over these files (image edited to remove filenames).




    I have also tried using sudo to access the files from the command line:


    root@nas1:~# sudo -u plex ls /volume1/movies/Movie2
    ls: cannot open directory /volume1/movies/Movie2: Permission denied
    root@nas1:~# sudo -u plex cat /volume1/movies/Movie2/movie.mkv
    cat: /volume1/movies/Movie2/movie.mkv: Permission denied

    So, I'm rather baffled at what is giving my Plex the permissions to view/play/delete these file?

  2. So, I was forced to do a reboot during expansion. My drives are 2/2/2/3/3/4/4. Rebooted in the middle of expanding the last 4 TB drive.


    More detailed information can be found here: http://forum.synology.com/enu/viewtopic ... 9&t=109329


    Essentially, what I should have is:


    md2 in raid5 with 7x2TB partitions

    md3 in raid5 with 4x1TB partitions

    md4 in raid1 with 2x1TB partitions


    The system was rebooted during reshape of md2. Upon power up, I find that md4 was created and md2 automatically assembled and finished reshape and resync.


    md3 failed to assemble.


    Recreating the situation in VirtualBox, I was able to recover by recreating md3.


    1. I got the order of the drives via the mdadm -A --scan --verbose command. It reports which partitions were in which slot of md3.

    2. I got the size by doing mdadm --examine /dev/sdb6, where sdb6 is a partition that was in the array. I then took that number and divided by 2 to convert from 512b blocks to 1024b blocks.

    3. I recreated the array via: mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/md3 /dev/sd[abc]6, where I passed the 3 members in the same order as the first three members of the array (slots 0-2).

    4. vgchange -a y

    5. mount /dev/vg1000/lv /mnt


    It also appeared to work if I specified the drives in any order.

    AND, it also appeared to work if I recreated the array with all 4 drives (with --raid-review=4)


    I am too afraid to run this on th actual NAS. Looking for some confirmation to say that this is the correct way for me to recover the data.


    Note, I did try to force assembly, but got an error about being in a critical section and needing a backup file, which I do t hav.


    I've posted on Synology forums, Linux-raid mailing list, but have not gotten any responses.


    Please help! Thank you in advance


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