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Posts posted by clipcarl

  1. For me, using Synology Assistant doesn't work with the XPEnology releases (at least not for DS3612xs_3202 which I've tested). What I had to do is figure out what IP address had been assigned from my DHCP server and then navigate directly to that IP address in a web browser and set it up that way.


    But the primary problem you're going to have, I think, is that the bnx2 driver isn't included in that release. But you don't need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to compile that module and add it to the image. An added wrinkle, though, is I think that driver requires external firmware so you'll need to make sure you get that loaded too. So you do have some work to do there. I've already got the dev environment set up, so I'll attach the drivers and firmware you'll need to this post. I haven't tested it so I don't know what you'll need to do to get the software to load the driver automatically.


    One other thing I'm not clear about that you may want to consider yourself is that while the Synology kernel and most of the other stuff I seen in the package appear to be covered by licenses that allow you to use them (as most are based on GPLed code or similar and Synology has released the source code) I'm not actually sure that this applies to *everything* that's included by the XPEnology packages. I haven't seen anything definitive on this site that addresses that issue so I'm not sure if we can use everything in the package without some sort of license from Synology. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to buy a software license on their site.



  2. @fonix: don't be a jerk. Let's keep the forum civil.


    I read that and it's definitely a little confusing to know what it's trying to say at first. What it says is that you have to edit the file with a hex editor replacing the bytes described with different bytes. For whatever reason, the article's author chose to confuse people by expressing this with disassembler output. So when the article says change the code at offset 000023E6


    .text:00000000000023E6 75 C4                                   jnz     short loc_23AC
    .text:00000000000023E8 0F BE 04 24                             movsx   eax, byte ptr [rsp+18h+var_18]

    and replace it with


    .text:00000000000023E6 48 31 C0                                xor rax, rax
    .text:00000000000023E9 B0 42                                   mov al, 042h
    .text:00000000000023EB 90    

    all it's really saying is that in your hex editor you should find the following sequence of bytes at location 23e6 of the file: 75 C4 0F BE 04 24 . You should replace that sequence of bytes with: 48 31 C0 B0 42 90.


    Note that the article isn't clear what version of synobios.ko it's talking about. Later in the article it talks about how XPEnology uses DS3612xs_2668 as a base, yet that byte sequence is nowhere to be found in the synobios.ko from that version. The bytes are found in the synobios.ko from DS3612xs_3211, but in a different location (offset 2866). The article could be clearer that it's dealing with the bromolow (DS3612xs) only (though maybe this is obvious as XPEnology is meant to run on modern x86_64 hardware).


    That said, why do you want to go through the trouble of rolling your own? I'd recommend just using the very nice pre-rolled DS3612xs_3202-Repack.zip package. It works great and all that hard work is already done for you.



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