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DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 5 CRASHED


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Hi All,


My subject title could be misleading but could be related. My DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 5 seems to have crashed or something has gone wrong. I did the update a little while ago and everything has been fine (including the reboots) until my last reboot a couple of nights ago. Now the Xpenology comes back online but seems to have lost its static IP address and getting a new DHCP address. I cannot access it via telnet or SSH but through a web UI. It is asking to "Install" with the message, "We've detected that the hard drives of your current DS3617xs had been moved from a previous DS3617xs ...". Please see attached screenshots (I tried but cannot seem to upload images. Will keep trying).


Could anyone please help me with some guidance:


1. Is there any fix or workaround for this issue?

2. What would happen if I went ahead with the installation? Would I lose all of my data and settings etc.?


Please note my setup:


Xpenology as a VM in an ESXi 6.5 host

Physical Box: HP Microserver Gen8

DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 5

Memory: 4GB

June's loader

4 virtual hard drives


Happy to share more details are required.


Thank you!



Edited by imran
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I am running this on a Supermicro without any problem. You say you lost your "static IP ", How are you assigning the IP? Threw the router or hard-coding the NIC? How many NIC's are on Your box? One thought is the default gateway in DSM mite of changed, Go to control panel-> network-> network interface and click the down arrow net to each NIC till you find the one with the IP that you use, Click edit and make sure the "set as default gateway" is checked.

Edited by itGeeks
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I'm not sure if you ended up fixing this. But the thread below should help you with this type of issue. You can go through the install and your DATA will NOT be touched. Just your DSM apps and settings will be gone. Good idea to keep a backup of settings for this reason. To delete your data, you have to do it in DSM and it forces you to type DELETE in capital letters as a security. Pushing a button during installation should never touch your data partitions. 



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