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Possible to update from 4.2 3211 to 4.3 3810


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I've seen a post that it should be possible to restore the configuration from a backup taken under DSM 4.2 to DSM 4.3.

As for the packages, I would suspect that you have to reinstall them manually.

Maybe if you install your packages BEFORE restoring configuration, the package configuration will be restored as well. :???:


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you should be able to do it


back up your data 1st


grab Trantors 4.3-3810 version (.img and the .pat files)



write that to a usb stick (or overwrite your original)


if you have any MAC address changes / serial number changes you made.... make them to this new usb stick as well


power down your NAS

pop the usb stick in and reboot


restart the NAS and either


open web browser to the same web page you used too do.


Use Synology assistant once again to find your NAS


it will give you two options

Migrate or Reinstall (your Choice)


once done it should reboot and you will be up and going with the newer version


Tho all your users and any software you installed will need to be re-setup again (time settings etc)


connect once again

then use this guide to update to the latest 4.3-3810 v3




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