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Hi folks! I'm Babiz from Dolomiti. Working about IT consulence in my land, yes I'm a classic nerd :) Fan of technologi at all.

 I just to try awesome XPEnology stuffs. Very nice, I installed over my test pc (atom quad core@1.66ghz with 1gb of ram) It works very smooth and I'm happy to see it works.


Now I ask for possible "integration" of XFS filesystem & XPEnology, because I have another OpenMediaVault nas with four 3tb hdd formatted under XFS and pretty near out of free space :D  and I will to migrate without messing up my storage layout-


So I found a "XFS how-to" explain to adding XFS module (for DS212) trought synology toolchain, link below:



Well my question is if this is applicable to current XPEnoboot  and at the end if I can mounting XFS volumes hassle-free.


Because I'm newer to XPEnology world, I need anyone point me to any how-to links or proof of concept needed to make this magic :D lol.

Thanks in advance for all guys will reply to me.


Posted (edited)

even with the xfs module, what you have in mind will not work

dsm/xpenology "initializes" every disk before you can use it in a raid setup and in this step two partitions are created one for the dsm system and 2nd for swap, this partitions are part of a raid1 over all disks in the system, that's the way dsm makes sure it can boot the system even when only one disk is still working

only way to use a (single) disk without this is to connect it over usb or esata (esata in the meaning of a port designated by system configuration as not part of the normal sata ports), the the disk is used a a removable storage device

i assume the four 3tb disks are in a raid5 set together, so no way to get them working thy way dsm works


in theory you could mount the disks manualy (mdadm to assemble the raid and xfs.ko to get the filesystem running) but you will loose all the comfort with this and might run into other trouble as it way off how dsm works - it a appliance and not a normal linux, changing it to much will break things you it likely you will have trouble installing updates


i'd suggest to offload the data and make the disk part of dsm the normal way or kick dsm out and use omv


ps: just for fun as i'm building drivers/modules all the time i created the xfs.ko, thats no problem




Edited by IG-88
  • Like 1

You well explain about my question, so thank you for clarification!
Well , I think too, better is leave as is the xpe/dsm disk partitions managing.

For the truth, My four disk is not in raid, simply single xfs formatted drive for each one.
As your advice, I think better choice is import my stuffs by external connection like usb 3 hdd controller , (I own one) and offload hdd with reinitializing one by one under dsm layout. Maybe take lot of time, but this is taked in account, when playin with this kind of stuffs.

Yeah, really looks nice to see if xfs module can be loadable by xpenoboot, and if I manually mounting external xfs disk, then save me a bunch of time when make data transfer to the new dsm disk layout.

So if I'm right understand, you can share this module for "testing" purpose? Well this also save me to messing with xpenoboot/dsm toolchain!
Cool man. :)

Inviato dal mio SM-G355H utilizzando Tapatalk

what dsm will you use? 3615, 3617 or 916+
For now I'm fine on 3615 with xeon cpu e5 4620v2. (Big stuff)
Also I try 916p mod but no boot...

Inviato dal mio SM-G355H utilizzando Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

xfs.ko depends on libcrc32c.ko and exportfs.ko, on my 3615 they where already loaded so after insmod ./xfs.koi was able to mount a xfs formated usb pendrive with mount (had added "-t xfs" to make sure it does what i was intending)

the attached data.zip contains all three modules, insmoding all three does not hurt, the system will tell you if they are already loaded


On 12/16/2017 at 7:20 PM, Babiz said:

Also I try 916p mod but no boot...

afir that needs as minimum 4th gen intel cpu (haswell) and for xeon thats a v3, so i guess no way for your v2 to boot the 916+




Edited by IG-88
  • Like 1

Thanks a lot! You are the man :)
Tomorrow I'll try for get it work on my side.

Also thank for your advice about my v2 cpu..! You open my mind today. (This It's fitted on no-branded mobo with ambigous H61, "Intel X79 compatible" chipset and 16gb of ddr3...untouched or customized A.M.I. bios) Anyway I need to do more test about this cpu and it's performance ...
My other goal (after get dsm running with stuffs like dsAudio and others nice apps), is get plex working and transcoding/handling uhd media, I need to write about this in other thread, (what is the better way...maybe not xpenology?), urgh.. if better mind, for another standalone installation of plex across more familiar distro like debian, can allow me to do easy kernel adjustment but I'll need to trying all ways so far. Lol I'm under reading many basics concepts about how to work dsm , and thank you again for you writings , really useful to go foward.

Also I think to try ESXi installation for better handling my resources, (big trouble lol)
I post soon my results, stay tuned :)

"Sleepin'late and smokin'tea"

On 12/17/2017 at 4:48 AM, Babiz said:

.. if better mind, for another standalone installation of plex across more familiar distro like debian, can allow me to do easy kernel adjustment but I'll need to trying all ways so far.


take some time reading here, lots of people use plex on dsm

not sure what "kernel adjustments" you have in mind, most people using ubuntu oder debian use the kernel that comes with the distribution, knitting your own kernel is not the usual way of using a distro


On 12/17/2017 at 4:48 AM, Babiz said:

Also I think to try ESXi installation for better handling my resources, (big trouble lol)
I post soon my results, stay tuned

depend on how you work

in my case a desktop with 10Gbit network to NAS and lokal VirtualBox works, also dsm does have docker and vmm plugin (kvm based virtualization)

having to many systems to maintain may eat up your time, every vm is a complete system needing updates and also esxi is a system needing attention from time to time, so splitting everything to a different vm it not the best solution, the thought behind using dsm is usually to combine services to one system and not having to much trouble maintaining it



imho its good to set goals before fiddling around, it also makes comparing solutions easier to decide what seems best (at that point)


PS: dont forget to do backups before relying on a system (dsm or ovm)

On 16/12/2017 at 9:55 PM, IG-88 said:

xfs.ko depends on libcrc32c.ko and exportfs.ko, on my 3615 they where already loaded so after insmod ./xfs.koi was able to mount a xfs formated usb pendrive with mount (had added "-t xfs" to make sure it does what i was intending)

the attached data.zip contains all three modules, insmoding all three does not hurt, the system will tell you if they are already loaded


afir that needs a 4th gen intel cpu (haswell) and for xeon thats a v3, so i guess no way for your v2 to boot the 916+





Bad news , here a screenshot , when I try to load modules, the system refuse to do, with 

"invalid module format" error message.




Anyway I go next and I installing ubuntu server , with plexmediaserver standalone. It's running much better than xpenology, also my xeon cpu works well and less load overall (I see htop shows me 16 cpu , about 60/70% load , htop on xpenology show only 8 cpu all at full load when playng plex transcoding stuff)


So I think for my scenario is better leave the xfs disk as is, (mounting nfs disks directly onto somethings like  ubuntu server) and put xpenology as guest virtualbox  installation. This will save me to offloading my xfs disk, when I setting up all NFS export from host to guest then I'm fine enough. ( I hope) Yeah I'll need to test performance of this  kind of setup and shares approach in next days.


Well thank you again @IG-88 , anyway for your time , you are great guy :D


Greetings from Dolomiti


i'm sure the modules work fine with the image of dsm 6.1 for 3615 as i've tested them an my baremetal and copied data to a xfs formated drive

btw. for more then 8 cpu cores the 3617 image is a better choice

best luck with finding a system best suited to your needs


Nice, of course I still need to try 3617 build same you adviced me. And dsm 6.1 [emoji3] ouch! Many to try for nexts days, [emoji33]

hope others in this community, get xfs.ko module to be useful , almost for fun!!




"Sleepin'late and smokin'tea"





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