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Hi to all tinkerer in Linux.


This is about gateOne. It is working as expected up to DSM 6.1.3.
I already post this in FRENCH section also. But more people can take a look at it more quickly a solution will arise.


I did search on the forum and online on gateOne but the information I got in return said it is no longer working since DSM 6.
This package that is under rated is very useful in a LAN setting but need to be working on to have authentication for one to willing to thinking to open the port online...


For those that doesn't know about it:

- http://liftoffsoftware.com/Products/GateOne
- https://liftoff.github.io/GateOne/index.html
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVohdlZXVY


The issue is that when you go to the web page --> https://YourNAS:22443 you have full access to the tools. No login... no authentication to protect the pages or tool.

Actual Package: https://synocommunity.com/packages    --->   https://synocommunity.com/package/gateone   Broken since DSM6.

In fact it is working beautifully. Multi-Windows... Multi-sessions... And the sessions are recorded like CCTV and you can replay it.

It work so well that without the authentication it is not recommended to open that port online.
gateOne is --> "[I 171021 17:37:49 gateone:976] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS)."


There is a full version to install on Linux but we are interested only what work for Xpenology.
Here is the portable that will work without issue on many system: https://sourceforge.net/projects/html5remote

-  How to :    -------- NEED TO USE "sudo" !!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------
#> wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/html5remote/files/gateOne-standalone-beta2.x64.tgz/download -O gateOne-standalone-beta2.x64.tgz
#> tar -zxf gateOne-standalone-beta2.x64.tgz
#> cd gateone64-standalone 
#> ./gateone.sh start

1- (Low priority) A link or a soft switch turn on/off under DSM. If not making it start at boot. Without that software switch many will have issue to restart/ stop it.
2- (The Main point here) to have authentication. PAM? Kerberos?? Radius?? (DSM have a working Radius server...) google seem not that ideal for some situation.
- https://liftoff.github.io/GateOne/Developer/authentication.html
- https://liftoff.github.io/GateOne/About/configuration.html?highlight=authentication
Quick ressource:
Google is your friend.
Do not say it is not working! I tested it under 3615 DSM 6.1.3-15152 U4- And 3617 DSM 6.1.3 U6 and After U8 update it is still working as expected. --- Unless I make a mistake somewhere ?? --- 
If you use it:
Say thank you to Dan McDougall https://github.com/liftoff for his formidable work and tool.

Say thank you to pierorandazzo https://sourceforge.net/u/pierorandazzo/profile/ for his work... And maybe that will trigger him to put the last version 1.2 of gateOne.


If you tested or use it. Let us know what do you think and have any idea or solution for authentication.


Thank you.


Ps: As usually... Bla blabla.... test or doing it at your own risk... I am not responsible. So think test machine.


Edited by xpeno1

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