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4TB Harddisc problems with DSM 4.2 on VMware ESXi 5.5


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Dear Team,


i use the dsm 4.2 Version on vmware esxi 5.5.


if i create a 3,5tb or 4tb harddisc in vmware, i have the following Problems:

after creating the new storage, the Volum disappears...


i have created a Video with my problem:

http://raving.at/vids/xpe_dsm42_vmwaree ... oblem.html


another question: whtats the Limit of dsm 4.2 (Maximum harddisc size)?


thank you very much!


many greets, iceget

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The maximum supported VMDK size on an VMFS-5 datastore is increased to 62 TB!




Which SCSI controller is in your configuration? BusLogic parallel controllers are not supported.

You must use the vSphere Web Client for VMDKs with 2TB+.

Is your vHDD preallocated?

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