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Migration of Disks from Real Synology


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Hi Guys, Firstly a quick thanks to the devs' for the excellent work to date - Excellent Job!


Secondly, a quick question with regards to 'real' Synology hard disks - and how I go about migrating 4tb of data!


I have had a DS411j for a few years now, and finally took the leap to a NL54 and am looking to move the data (4x2TB - Raid 5) from my trusty 411j to the NL (which is up and running already with 2x1TB blanks)


I cant afford to lose the data on the disks, but dont have enough spare disks to move the data manually - and was wondering if I can physically move the disks over?


The SynWiki implies I can, but I dont think it was thinking of moving it to a XPEnology install!


Is it possible? Im hoping to change to SHR at some point soon also... but im thinking 'baby steps... baby steps!'


Cheers - love to know if I can simply swap them over, but doubt it!

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to share my experience, I was able to transfer disks :


- from DSM 4.3-3810 (DS211+) with 2x2To in RAID 1.

- to HP N54L running xpenology 4.2-3202 under esxi hypervisor (works in direct mode, as well)


Thanks to mirroring, I was even able to put only one disk of RAID array to N54L and thus having 2 data clones working at the same time on my network (DS211+, HP)


Installing a disk in xpenology resets configuration, but keeps existing raid/shr volumes and their data.

So it works.

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Djey, thanks mate! your info is greatly appreciated!


I think im going to start afresh:


place my current 4 x 2tb in the N54 bays,

add the 2x1tb to the sata & Esata port.


Boot from USB, and prey!


It will be intresting to see what the synology assistant finds in its scan!


Cheers again Djey, I will report back my findings on migration on the RAID 5 physical disk move!

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And what's about Real Synology to Xpenology on dedicated server online ?


Synology can backup to network, but needs a directory for it ... so it's not a real "migration" for me.

Ok for users and configuration it's not a problem (backup then restore), but for the data, I have to keep ACL for all files, and folder's structure (from root).


If anyone can help ?.. :smile:

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not sure if this will help, but...


My previous experience moving the data from a 211 to Xpenology utilitised the backup method you describe and it worked well - if not a tad slow.


Not 100% on the ACL's - but if you export the config and users to the destination before you use the backup it should theoretically work, depending if it keeps the SIDs of course...


You have a lot of data to move? Is there a way in linux (im a windows man) to put up the entire volume as a single (large) file and move it that way? I bit like the migration of a VHD?


just some thoughts :smile:

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Thanks Zakkieboy.

With the backup network, how do you recreate the root/folder's structure ?

Because we can't move a directory to the root, but only in share folder. Or maybe I missed something ?


For the transfert in "linux way" (in SSH), I see rsync, but I don't know if it keeps ACL for each file.

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if memory serves me right, it creates a single folder call NetBackup which contains the source volume's structure. Nice and simple


It can be started and then cancelled after a short while, it will leave the stuff it has copied (not moved) which will allow you to check the ACL's :smile:


tonights the night for my migration... fingers crossed!

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When network backup is done to NetBackup folder, it creates the source folder structure, but resets the attributes/permissions/ownership to defaults (admin). Also it creates the metadata files to accompany the backup and that's where the attributes are stored. During the restore it copies files back to their location and after that reapplies the attributes from the metadata.

Theoretically it should be possible to restore the backup to local server if space allows for double data amount, thus should work as migration method, but I have never done this and it needs testing.

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During the restore it copies files back to their location and after that reapplies the attributes from the metadata.

Theoretically it should be possible to restore the backup to local server if space allows for double data amount, thus should work as migration method, but I have never done this and it needs testing.


Thanks, good idea I'll test that !


@Zakkieboy : Congrats ! :smile:

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