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N54L Schedule strt up shutdown - refuses to work??


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Hi guys,


Yet again, Looking for advice/ help..


I have a N54L microserver in stock config with 3x2tb hdds running 4.3 build successfully natively.. Works pretty well actually :grin:


Trying to get WOL working but had no luck.


Wol is enabled in Bios so that side seems ok but as soon as I try to enable it in the DSM control panel, it refuses it saying it hasnt saved changes to WOL config.


I remember reading about making changes to the etho config directly from SSH'ing into the machine but cant seem to find it. - Can someone talk me through the steps I need to do to change this?


I can SSH into it ( from Mac terminal ) so that's fine. Just need the cmd line stuff really... Bit of a newbie for cmd line work/ linux in general! :???:





** Edit** Now got Schedule startup/shutdown is playing up! Might have to go back to 4.2 build.... Unless anyone got suggestions??

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Yeah mangaged to find the WOL settings for the eth0 config..


WOL working but now cant get scheduled shutdown/startup to work on 4.3? The scheduling accepts the schedule's and saves ( still there even after shutdown! ) but refuses to do anything?


Not sure if setting in the modded Bios refusing to let it do it or something in the 4.3 build?? 4.2 was working fine! :S



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You have lucky hw configuration!


I got the same bios reset problem (on N40L) that I had before with default Synology scheduler.


All work fine with default settings eg loading from usb, wol and etc.

But flash memory has limitation on write cycles count (around 1000). And thus every day rewrite is not good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just tried Advanced Power Manager on my N54L with DSM 4.3 build 3810 on it. Nicely shut down and booted up at the configured times.

But during boot up bios got reset. Does anyone have an idea how to solve these bios resets? Can't find anything unfortunately.


Cheers, Rob

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  • 3 months later...
Just tried Advanced Power Manager on my N54L with DSM 4.3 build 3810 on it. Nicely shut down and booted up at the configured times.

But during boot up bios got reset. Does anyone have an idea how to solve these bios resets? Can't find anything unfortunately.


Cheers, Rob


So that, the Advanced Power Manager is just based on in stock schedule system, which doesn't help to solve the problem. Need to find which program cleared the bios configurations. That is the hard core of the issue.


If they solve the problem, I'd like to donate.

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