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Xpenology + Esxi add drives


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Current situation => Esxi Server 6.5 + DSM 6.0.2 jun loader 

I have installed DSM 6.0.2 with the jun loader at a Esxi server. The Dsm is installed at a SSD drive with 60gb, that is volume 1.

For Volume 2 i have 4x 4Tb disks. At each disk i have created a datastore. Then  imported each datastore in the DSM for the creation of a Raid5 => 10tb Volume2.

After reboot i have the following message from esxi => There is no more space for virtual disk ...         and the Xpenology can't start anymore.

Any suggestions why i have this message? Is there a better way to add the 4x 4Tb disks to the Xpenology?

Thank you!

Edited by elkristo
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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. Why did you create datastores on each individual drive? The logical route would be to add the disks or pass them through to the XPEnology VM, create the RAID 5 volume, make it iSCSI (Or NFS if you prefer) and use that shared volume to create a datastore on.

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