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Request help for how to restore Download Station after volume1 corruption

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Hi All,


My DSM setup:

N40L + ESXi 6.0u2

DS3617xs DSM 6.1.3-15152 Update 4 on Jun's 1.02b

My system is on volume1 with RAID-1 btrfs and data on volume2



My volume1 get corruption & unable to be repair. Thus, I make a copy of both @appstore & @download and remove both corrupted vmdk files & recreate the new volume with new vmdk.



I copy back both folder back to /volume1 and then reinstall all application, but unable to recover all settings of DNS and both settings and download job of Download Station.

For Download Station, I further fix onwership & permission (by chmod & chown) for pyload.conf and all the downloading task folder with reference to the current downloading task from another DSM. However, no old task is display on the recovered Download station.


Could anyone give me some hits to recover both mentioned application?


Thanks & regards,




I dont this this is possible because of the way Download Station creates and tracks tasks based on a task ID. The same task on two different machines will have different IDs so you cant just copy the files. If you created a new volume and reinstalled Download Station package that will have 'reset' the task ID so it will not read any old tasks. However, if you edit the 'taskid'.torrent file in the /@download/'taskid/ folder (which may also have partially completed downloads), you might be able to find the information to recreate the torrent and start the task again.

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