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Just found I have 3 files with hash errors, namely e1000e.ko, igb.ko and ixgbe.ko.


Anything to worry about, if so any fix?


System seems to be running fine.


N54L, 5x3TB, 6.1.3 Update 4


Edited by KenF
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Hi IG-88,


I've not been into the console to replace any files, I have always just upgraded via the boot menus between versions and via control panel for the updates.

I'm using the DS3615x PAT file.


Is it easy to replace these files, if so where from and how? Is that necessary, do the hash errors mean that at next reboot it may not come back up?


Thanks for your help.

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just follow the thread as i wrote, i explained it there

i dont know if synology has anything in store for system not matching, i think its just a warning the the system has been tmapered with (in worst case a virus infection - unlikely in your case) but they might also consider it a "unrelated copy" of dsm and  ... who knows what they do in future updates if they detect a "unlicenced" copy of dsm, they still try to shake off the freeloaders by protections and serial number checks


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This was happening with Jun's loader v1.0. That's why Jun updated the loader to v1.01. It should only be a cosmetic thing in principal. The strange thing is that I have only seen two reports of this happening with v1.02b so far. This topic and in that topic above.



On 9/20/2016 at 9:57 PM, jun said:


as I promised, here is v1.01, download link is the same as v1.0

This update contains nothing fancy, mainly for inner peace,

Plus, I revert megaraid_sas mpt3sas to old version.

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I've been on 1.02b loader for a while, you even helped me put it on Polanskiman :smile:

I cannot be 100% positive but I believe this error has only occurred after update 4 and sometime after it was installed.


But hey.. if it can be ignored.. It will be. I can always turn of the option to scan for it.


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