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Hello everybody,


first of all thank for making 4.3 possible. Great effort foor everybody involved. Keep up the good work. What I wanted to know if it is correct that you can't update from 4.2 without losing all your applications/settings.

Is there a particular reason for this why it is not possible.


Thanks for your time and effort





You cannot use this, as S99ZZZ_Shutdown.sh is calling for a missing package!


Yes, you are right. I pasted the howto for helping but I forgot to mention it was in case 4.2. On 4.3 WOL is working on my N54L without modding anything. I always wake it up from the router and works like a charm. If you put your real MAC I can't imagine why it doesn't work on your boxes, guys.


Sorry for the confusion. I'll edit the post right now.






I have a problem with the DSM 4.3 on Virtualbox. i have this error :


GRUB Loading stage1.5.


GRUB loading, please wait ...

Error 22



Can you help me ?


Just update to DSM 4.3 b3810 and after that the fifth harddrive isn't recognized anymore by DSM?

With DSM 4.2 everything worked fine, i use an HP Proliant Microserver N54L with 4GB and 5x1,5 TB drive's


4 installed through the RAID controller (Hardware RAID not active on Bios) en 1 installed in the DVD-drive bay.

The one in the DVD-drive bay was recognized before with DSM 4.2 and i had a RAID5 configuration with it. (So 5 drives with 6TB eff)


Now DSM only finds 4 harddrives while the Bios of the N54L recognizes them all?

Rebooted, deleting the volume. nothing works to find the fifth drive in DSM 4.3


Any ideas?

Best regards,


All install on a HP N54L but for the life of me I can't get the NIc mac address to change.

I edited the vendor file same as we did in 4.2 but still no go!


My usb stick only has one partition is this correct? also any tips on setting the mac would be good.


Just make a simple script with the VI-editor and put it in : /usr/syno/etc/rc.d

From there every scripts runs automaticaly when the server boots.


The script should read :


ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55

ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:56


Where eth0 is your first NIC, eth1 your second and so on.


PS. Of course you do as above with for example putty (SSH)


Best regards,

Léon :geek:


Just update to DSM 4.3 b3810 and after that the fifth harddrive isn't recognized anymore by DSM?


Now DSM only finds 4 harddrives while the Bios of the N54L recognizes them all?

Rebooted, deleting the volume. nothing works to find the fifth drive in DSM 4.3

And you're sure that nothing has changed in the BIOS configuration?

And the 5th disk is connected to the internal SATA connector?


This is the BIOS configuration I'm using:

  • From the main screen go to ‘Chipset > Southbridge Configuration > SB SATA Configuration’ and make sure your settings are the same as below:
    OnChip SATA Channel = Enabled
    OnChip IDE Type = IDE
    SATA IDE Combined Mode = Disabled
    SATA EPS on all PORT = Enabled
    SATA Power on all PORT = Enabled
    Return to the main screen then go to ‘Advanced > IDE Configuration’ and again, make sure your settings are the same as below.
    Embedded SATA Link Rate = 3.0Gbps MAX


booting a barebone system, with 8 3tb wd red on a ibm serveraid m1015 flashed to IT mode, DSM boot and I can access the admin page however is telling me that there are no HDs


aby susgestions, 4.2 does install and recognizes the HDs





I have a problem with the DSM 4.3 on Virtualbox. i have this error :


GRUB Loading stage1.5.


GRUB loading, please wait ...

Error 22



Can you help me ?


Your vdi boot gile got corrupted.

Close Virtualbox, replace the vdi file with the original one and will work

but I read 4.3 relies on something from a Chinese website. I don't understand fully what was involved with the change from 4.2 to 4.3 but I followed the every post in the thread.


Where did you read this? Post your sources.

Just update to DSM 4.3 b3810 and after that the fifth harddrive isn't recognized anymore by DSM?

With DSM 4.2 everything worked fine, i use an HP Proliant Microserver N54L with 4GB and 5x1,5 TB drive's


4 installed through the RAID controller (Hardware RAID not active on Bios) en 1 installed in the DVD-drive bay.

The one in the DVD-drive bay was recognized before with DSM 4.2 and i had a RAID5 configuration with it. (So 5 drives with 6TB eff)


Now DSM only finds 4 harddrives while the Bios of the N54L recognizes them all?

Rebooted, deleting the volume. nothing works to find the fifth drive in DSM 4.3


Any ideas?

Best regards,


Looks like a change in port configuration from 4.2 to 4.3 ...

What are the values of following parameters in /etc/synoinfo.conf and /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf ?

  • internalportconfig=
  • esataportconfig=


New ones should match values from 4.2...


I just installed this version on one of my computers, its look like its working with no issues for now.

Thanks for the great job.


one major issue, when you log in to the server via web browser it write on the center low area of the screen XPEnology 4.3 with a ugly font, the synology sign is much better ha ha ha :smile:


now lets move to the real issue, I use a gigabyte mother board, this board has a bug in the bios that it can not boot from USB drive with Linux MBR.

I tried to take a second USB drive and formatted it with dos/windows and put on it PLoP. but I can't make the PLoP to boot the XPEnology USB drive.


Any one has any suggestion how to solve it?


Thanks Thanks Thanks

one major issue, when you log in to the server via web browser it write on the center low area of the screen XPEnology 4.3 with a ugly font, the synology sign is much better ha ha ha :smile:


Have fun :wink:



any idea when 4.3 is going to be esxi ready?


just curious don't mean to be pushy

Someone did port this for ESXi. I just migrated from a 4.2 machine it and it works.



Its a VM template to deploy (you just have to add SCSI virtual disks for data).


Thread is in french but the image should be multilingual I think :smile:

Its a VM template to deploy (you just have to add SCSI virtual disks for data).


In this release the PVSCSI controller doesn't work, but only LSI Logic Parallel controller. I'll wait for Trantor's release :ugeek:

Can you explain what's the catch with the second IDE hard disk?

Can you explain what's the catch with the second IDE hard disk?
- When I restarted vm after removing the second IDE hdd (8gb), instead of logging it asked me to reinstall with the web page and after that I got error 22 upon reboot.

I had no confirmation yet, but the boot was erased it seems. I didn't try to restore boot image btw.


- DSM complains about this disk, disk 2. Says that system is broken and suggests to fix it. But issue comes back after reboot.


In this release the PVSCSI controller doesn't work, but only LSI Logic Parallel controller. I'll wait for Trantor's release :ugeek:
SCSI controller for my data hdds was PVSCSI at first and it worked, so as LSI Logic Parallel... that's weird.

My 4 data disks are RDM if this has any kind of importance ...


Anyone using an IBM M1015 successfully I have been trying to get one to work under 4.3 without any luck.


I can connect all 8 HD to the motherboard ports but that leaves me with 0 to use for DVD drive

Any ideas



SCSI controller for my data hdds was PVSCSI at first and it worked, so as LSI Logic Parallel... that's weird.

My 4 data disks are RDM if this has any kind of importance ...


OK do me a favor and test it like this on ESXi5.1:

After you deploy the OVF template, don't start your VM, but go to settings first, you'll see that SCSI controller is not Paravirtual, but LSI Logic Paraller. Add a virtual hard disk, SCSI, thin provisioned (just for test), then change type of SCSI controller to Paravirtual. Start the VM but the machine will auto shutdown.


Also Network aqdapter is E1000 but this can be change without a problem to VMXNET3.

Works great on my N54L ! Will test it more before moving to production.

Do you have tested it also with five harddrives? (one in the DVD-bay?)


It worked with DSM 4.2 but now with DSM4.3 the fifth drive isn't detected anymore, even after reinstalling everything. Even tried every possibility in the BIOS (AHCI,RAID,EDI)

The drive is detected by the Microserver but not within DSM.


You use 4 or more drivers?

Simply just love all the hard work you guyz are putting into this project! 10 thumbs up!! :grin:


Just upgraded my N54L from 3211 to 3810 without any problems. Of course all configuration was lost, but all data and all shares were there. :grin:

How many Drives you use? DSM isn't recognize my fifth drive anymore (In DVD-bay)



How many Drives you use? DSM isn't recognize my fifth drive anymore (In DVD-bay)


I got 5 disks (each 4TB), listed as Disk 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 in System Information under Storage.

4 disks in the "hot-plug able" bays and one disk in the DVD bay. The disk in the DVD bay is connected to the internal SATA port.

OK do me a favor and test it like this on ESXi5.1:

After you deploy the OVF template, don't start your VM, but go to settings first, you'll see that SCSI controller is not Paravirtual, but LSI Logic Paraller. Add a virtual hard disk, SCSI, thin provisioned (just for test), then change type of SCSI controller to Paravirtual. Start the VM but the machine will auto shutdown.


Also Network aqdapter is E1000 but this can be change without a problem to VMXNET3.

Changing SCSI controller to PV type before first launch causes poweroff indeed :-|

I remember having kept LSI Logic Parallel during first start + init, then switched to PV and it worked fine ... or setting was just not applied ?


Then I switched again, but to LSI SAS this time and remains my current setting for testing.

Anyone using an IBM M1015 successfully I have been trying to get one to work under 4.3 without any luck.


I can connect all 8 HD to the motherboard ports but that leaves me with 0 to use for DVD drive

Any ideas



so I did some reading and found out an older mpt2sas driver on the request for driver thread that someone had compiled as .ko into the kernel, I replaced the zimage on the usb and the M1015 works, however the intel i210 network does not and neither does the onboard sata.


so it is a driver issue. maybe it can be fix on the next update




How many Drives you use? DSM isn't recognize my fifth drive anymore (In DVD-bay)


I got 5 disks (each 4TB), listed as Disk 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 in System Information under Storage.

4 disks in the "hot-plug able" bays and one disk in the DVD bay. The disk in the DVD bay is connected to the internal SATA port.


Same working at me too. I'm using a customized BIOS though, enabling most of the extra features (can't say which ones, no VGA cable at hand, but the ones to make the hard drives hotswappable, and to enable full speed on the DVD and eSATA ports).


Maybe leon has to edit his synoinfo.conf file?


First of all -thank you for great work!

I am trying to install dsm on old pc - 1U Intel P4 platform sr1425bk1 with 1Gb ram. 3x400Gb SATA HDDs.

After boot with USB before install DSM i see multiple messages "synobios buzzer stop button pressed"

Then i installed DSM and login with SA and CPU on DiskStation has 98% utilization, and multiple log entries "The clear buzzer botton has been pressed"

I read forum and find :

Switching off “buzzer stop button pressed” logging message:


.text:0000000000000395 80 7C 24 17 00 cmp [rsp+28h+var_11], 0

.text:000000000000039A 74 D4 jz short loc_370




.text:0000000000000395 80 7C 24 17 00 cmp [rsp+28h+var_11], 0

.text:000000000000039A EB D4 jmp short loc_370



Please make new repack with this modofication.

I have the same problem

is there a (easy) solution for this

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