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Big Installation Problem!


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Hey Guys. I'm currently using OMV and i'm thinking about switching to XPE.


That's my System:


- Zotac NM10-DTX WIFI (Zotac NM10-F-E) http://www.mini-tft.de/xtc-neu/media/pr ... 830266.pdf

- Crucial CL6 PC800 2GB DDR2 RAM x2

- Samsung Spinpoint F2 ECOGREEN HD154UI 1,5TB x2

- Seagate Momentus ST9160821AS 160GB for OS

- Cougar A300


Is it be fast enough for XPE? Will XPE work on this configuration?


Is it possible to lower the power consumption with XPE? At the moment it need about 40w in IDLE, because there are power saving options on OMV.


Is it possible to install XPE on the 160gb system drive separately from my data on the two Samsungs hdd to prevent my data on coming updates?

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Is it be fast enough for XPE? Will XPE work on this configuration?



should be enough, I run it on virtual machine with one core 1.7Ghz, 512MB RAM, 4GB Hard drive for OS, multiple virtualdisk for data



Is it possible to lower the power consumption with XPE? At the moment it need about 40w in IDLE, because there are power saving options on OMV.



even if I did not look at specific option, it is intend to be a NAS environnement running on low power hardware

so it must be low power even on real machine.



Is it possible to install XPE on the 160gb system drive separately from my data on the two Samsungs hdd to prevent my data on coming updates?


I would say yes, just dont create the SHR while you install.

then on first login, go create a custom volume and select the Samsungs hdd for data disk

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Thanks for your answer.


Yesterday i spent a whole day trying to install Xpenology to my system. I try all the version given in the releases section. All with the same results. Dozens of text lines flashes over my screen and end up with "can't enumerate usb 3" or something equal... :-|



The single version that i was able to install properly was this version:


XPEnology DS3612xs DSM 4.2 BETA (build 3161) http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24


But on this version i can't connect to the internet to get apps from the package center. Additionally it's just a beta. :sad:



Today i've tested the newest 4.3 version in a virtual machine on my system. And i got this error:


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Today i've tested the newest 4.3 version in a virtual machine on my system. And i got this error:
On Virtual Machine options choose Linux 64 (Linux Kernel 64bit or something).


Which version should i choose? There is no 64bit one.

On VirtualBox on your PC :wink:
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Just to answer a few questions:

1. You cannot install XPE separately on a separate disk. Unlike OMV and the other open-source, open-usage NAS distros, Synology DSM is intended to be used on a specific line of products, for home. Meaning, it has to be completely secure, and even if a hard drive fails, it has to be able to recover. To achieve this, XPE formats ALL AVAILABLE hard drives (internally detected ones) to its own format:

[boot sector, specifically made for Synology, for us, replaced with GRUB][approx. 2GB partition connected in RAID (Synology Hybrid RAID) for the OS][Remaining space made available to the user, for using as Volumes, or iSCSI targets]


Based on this, you cannot have XPE in a multi-boot environment. Maybe using a hypervisor, but that's another story.


2. I see you're trying to use OMV to emulate Synology. Only problem is, that OMV is a 32-bit software, running on i686 kernel. By my understanding, even on x86_64 hardware, if the running OS is x86 only, it is impossible to emulate x86_64. So at the moment, running XPE over OMV is not possible.

You can, however, try a free, open source hypervisor, and have both installed. I'd suggest XenServer, or maybe VMWare's free hypervisor.


3. Truly, if you're familiar with OMV and Debian, there's no point of moving to Synology. I ran both of them, and stuck with XPE only because of the ease of usage, especially with packages. But to tell you the truth, I'm missing the flexibility and support of Debian/OMV, the amount of packages is incredibly low compared to them (talking about ipkg), rarely updated, and most of the stuff I want won't even work without hacky workarounds.

So, if you depend on anything deeply integrated, or relatively complex, I'd say you should study further if it's possible with Synology at all.

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