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Does Synology DDNS work for DSM4.2 Trantor 1.2?


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  • 4 months later...

A few people said replacing original ones with proper S/N and MAC will get the DS cloud, myds DDNS and other cloud services to work, but I strongly don't recommend so.

On one hand, such action will open your XPEnology to the Synology server and sooner or later they will find out you're not a genuine Synology owner.

On the other hand, Synology cloud server will be overloaded thanks to XPEnology can be installed on almost any x86 hardware, and genuine Synology owner will not be happy, then they stop buying Synology devices, which finally result in Synology bankrupt.

Both are not something I would like to see.

So, please be kind and use some third party solution instead of quick connect and myds services.

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Try using DNS Dynamic https://www.dnsdynamic.org, I've been using it now for a couple of months without any issues.


You will need to edit /etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf & add the following at the end of the file in order to make it work though.





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