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Hey guys,


I have an AMD system with 5-2tb drives. My system is on DSM 6.02 and using SHR. One drive failed and I replaced it. After doing so, the system will no longer boot to DSM. I have tried booting to Install, ReInstall, AMD, etc. I am able to see the system within the Synology Assistant and the only option I am given is to recover system. I choose this, system reboots, and the process starts all over again. I have placed the crashed disk back into the system and repeated the process. Nothing I do seems to get my system up and running. 


Please, any help would be great. I was going to try and get the data off the drives via Ubuntu but I could not get Ubuntu to mount after trying just about everything I could find on the topic. I can clearly see the drives and the raid set. 


If there is a way to restore my DSM, I would prefer this, I have so much stuff on my drives and want so badly to keep the data. 


Thanks in advance!

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Some things to try;


Reflashing your usb boot device - I've seen reports that this works with some failed boots

Check carefully your grub settings for vid/pid etc are correct.

Also maybe reset bios and check sata settings are ahci etc.


If you have a spare working hdd of any size, then I'd suggest you try a clean install with just that one drive attached to sata channel 1 and see that everything is ok with that booting etc. Update DSM to the patch level you were running before. Now reconnect the other drives to sata channels 2-n leaving your 'clean install' drive on sata channel 1. If it boots ok you will find the other drives/volumes appear, degraded and or with failed system partitions that you can repair from drive 1. You should then be able to fix the degraded volume by putting your correct new drive on channel 1, but delete any DSM partitions on it with Windows or a gpartd first. If this all does work you will lose some config and have to reinstall some packages etc.

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5 hours ago, sbv3000 said:

Some things to try;


Reflashing your usb boot device - I've seen reports that this works with some failed boots

Check carefully your grub settings for vid/pid etc are correct.

Also maybe reset bios and check sata settings are ahci etc.


If you have a spare working hdd of any size, then I'd suggest you try a clean install with just that one drive attached to sata channel 1 and see that everything is ok with that booting etc. Update DSM to the patch level you were running before. Now reconnect the other drives to sata channels 2-n leaving your 'clean install' drive on sata channel 1. If it boots ok you will find the other drives/volumes appear, degraded and or with failed system partitions that you can repair from drive 1. You should then be able to fix the degraded volume by putting your correct new drive on channel 1, but delete any DSM partitions on it with Windows or a gpartd first. If this all does work you will lose some config and have to reinstall some packages etc.

Thank you for your quick reply and help. I have installed DSM onto a new drive connected to SATA channel 1 as you suggested. The older drive 1, 2, and 3 are connected to channels 2, 3, and 4. I have booted and the system shows the volumes as crashed. At this point is where I am somewhat confused how to proceed. There does not seem to be many options that I can choose from or any way to repair the volume. You mentions repairing the partitions from drive 1. Can you please elaborate on this procedure?


Thank you!

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'Crashed' can mean different things, data may still be intact if your SHR only lost the fault tolerant drive.



Open Storage Manager > Overview option and it will show you the status of your drives/volumes


If you have 'Repair' shown in blue text at the end of the  text below 'Attention' then click on it and it you will get a dialogue to make the repair from Disk 1 - go through that and wait for the system partitions to be repaired.


Once thats done go to Storage Manager > Volumes and click on the 'Manage' button, that will take you through the repair process. If the 'clean install' drive on channel 1 is the right size you can use it to repair the raid otherwise replace with the right size disk then do the repair. (The server should boot ok from drives 2-4 repaired partitions if you do swap the drive)


Good luck!

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when I first booted up with new drive in controller 1, old drive 1 in sata port 2, drive 2 in 3, and 3 in 4, I had a blue link for repair. I did click on it. Didn't seem to do anything. Now, in overview in storage manager, I see one unused disk and 3 disks used. Disks 2, 3, and 4 show as raid group 1. Raid group 1 shows crashed. Suggestion: Unable to use this volume. The data in the volume may be crashed. Number of failed disks 2. Right now I am seeing no other options in storage manager.



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FYI: I now have my data back. Yes, I have to reinstall apps but that is ok.. @sbv3000. I CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!! I am so glad there are people like you that would take the time to guide and help someone out that you don't even know. Thank you so much for helping me and please never stop helping! 



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for the benefit of the KB how did you finally make the repair? :smile:


From your comments it looks like your SHR1 raid crashed because you lost one drive and the 'messing about' made the system think it had lost 2, but SHR is quite smart and can recover well with the right steps.



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Well, had it all recovered, reinstalled apps, etc. plugged in another drive because it said the raid was degraded and now it won't boot at all again. I am not understanding how adding a blank, additional 2TB drive would do this.


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