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Question about pointing Photo Station 5 to the right folder


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Hi guys and girls.


Recently I've been fighting with the Synology Photo Station 5. It expects my photos to be at


which is actually a symbolic link which points to




BUT I want to use the following folder for my photos:



Before I do anything stupid I wanted to ask if I can simply change the symbolic link target destination to /volume2/fotos.


I know there are other ways like this: http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.php/Permanent_symbolic_links


But I thought after some digging maybe this solution would be simpler. I also found the following file:


which is basically a apache virtual host configration file. In this file there is a directory definition

       Options MultiViews
       AllowOverride None
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all

where you could also edit a different path. But again I'm not sure which effect it would have on the Photo Station application...

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I think it is designed this way as best practice. DSM doesn't have to worry about which volume the photo folder is on for services that need it, it just needs to know the static path to the symbolic link. The installer service will do the linking to the right volume.


I think changing the Symbolic link will be fine and preferred over modifying the Apache configuration for Photo Station. It would probably be broken on installing the package again though.


I have many DiskStations, I will run a test for you if I have some time.

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