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[SOLVED] Password reset/recovery DSM 4.3.x ?


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Hi, after spending some time searching here and google'ing, I found it better to ask a question here.


A friend of mine, who I helped some years ago to "build" a NAS, is in trouble....

He has been using "regular" user accounts, and has totaly lost his admin password.


When trying to connect by the DSM webinterface, and using the "Forgotten password" function,

any username I try, give the reply: Your are forbidden!!


The NAS is a HP N54L, running DSM 4.3-3827 Update 8.


Could someone point me in the right direction on how to reset/recover the admin password?



I tried following the "https://repl.it/H7Mh" trick, trying to login as root / 505-1301 (todays, May 19, password?)

from the "local terminal" (local keyboard/monitor), but with no luck.

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the date is the date inside the synology (bios date), check if that is correct

if he still has valid user accounts, maybe one with admin rights? then you can try to login with this do a

sudo -i

and you are root

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1 - I already checked the BIOS, and the time and date was set to current date, Zulu time.

2 - None of the other accounts seems to have admin rights :sad:


Could a software upgrade or downgrade help in this situation, will I be asked for a new, or the current password?

Anyone with experience here ?

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Could a software upgrade or downgrade help in this situation, will I be asked for a new, or the current password?

Anyone with experience here ?


if you boot from a live linux, assemble the system partition with mdadm (first partition on every drive) and format that partition, there will be no dsm left (data are in another partition that is usualy the 3rd partiton on every drive - so dont touch those) and you can reinstall dsm (loosing all settings and plugins - but that might be easyly recreated), it will ask for a new root/admin password as it is a completely new install

the data (volume1) will be tound again when the new install of dsm comes up (as it would be a system update from a earlier system of dsm)


there are other methodes, maybe someone else comes up with a better/easyer plan, that one is to succeed in a forseen time if you can handle the line linux and still have acces to the old dsm 4.x install files

if you try to install a newer dsm (5 or 6) you might hit new problems with unsopported hardware, so try to stick with what you know is working


how to hande the live linux and mdadm:


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OK, here come the solution that I chose:


I made a new USB stick, with XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5967.1.img

that I replaced the old one with.

Then I booted, and chose the third boot option, (Update/Upgrade?).


I let it start up, then used the Synology Assistant to find it, and it was showing up at "Migratable" (something in that direction...)

I then opened the web interface, and was given the options to migrate, with or without keeping some of the settings/apps.


I chose to keep only the files, and to reset all settings and apps (witch was OK with me),

and that gave me a new "admin" account, where I was asked to choose a new "strong" password.


After doing a few reboots, to make sure things was OK, I manually updated with Update 2

https://usdl.synology.com/download/DSM/ ... 3615xs.pat


Now it is running all OK, with all the files intact.

The owner will now have to sort out all the user accounts, other settings and apps, before setting his personal admin password,

and write it down!


Hope this might come in handy for others as well, but I really hope you don't need to do it, as it's better to keep the passwords around :roll:

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