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proxmox with ethernet 2.5gb RTL8125BG and DS1621+ with DSM 7.1.1?

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hi folks! I have my xpenology model DS1621+ (v1000) with DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6 installed in my proxmox with 2.5gb Ethernet card chipset RTL8125BG (cudy brand https://www.cudy.com/products/pe25-1-0#specs). Proxmox recognized the 2.5gb Ethernet card, but the DSM apparently not because in the DSM control panel information the speed showed it's 1000mbps/1gb. then I have a doubt...

1. In order for the DSM to recognize it, should I install the Ethernet driver? If yes, how can I do that?, or

2. Does DSM automatically use the Proxmox's Ethernet card for transfer speed?


Hope could help me, thanks


proxmox ehernets and netwotks



xpenology hardware



DSM info


Edited by roycordero
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