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upgade cpu from i3-8100


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i run a version of xpenology 920+ in B360M DS3H with i3-8100 8mb ram and 6 disk from 12tb to 3tb

the system was running like media server , jellyfin, photostation some torrenting

the cpu was running from idle to 10% 15% max

now i changed to dva1622 to run surveilance station

and see cpu to be 25% always only from surveilance station

when install jellyfin photostation qbitorrent the cpu usage probably will increase.

i have found a i7-9700T

will be better or not worth the change?

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32 minutes ago, dj_nsk said:

Do you see like this? card0  renderD128


i7-9700T - you can use it too...

yes i see that "card0  renderD128"


is it worth changing to i7-9700t , or will I not see a significant difference?

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