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7.2 and r8168 when update driver extension?


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Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 10ecd00008168 Required Extension : r8168
Searching for matching extension for r8168
Found matching extension :
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8168/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8168/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extens                                        ions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%


[#] ========================================== pocopico.r8168 ==========================================
[#] Extension name: r8168
[#] Description: Adds RealTek RTL-8168 Gigabit Ethernet driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/r8168
[#] Software author: https://github.com/pocopico
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8168/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 ds1621p_42951 ds918p_41890 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42621 ds3617xs_42218 ds920p_42661 dva3221_42962 ds918p_42                                        661 ds3622xsp_42962 ds3617xs_42951 dva1622_42218 dva1622_42621 ds920p_42962 ds1621p_42661 dva1622_42951 ds918p_25556 dva3221_42218 ds3615xs_42661                                         dva3221_42951 ds3622xsp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 ds2422p_42962 rs4021xsp_42621 dva1622_42962 ds2422p_42218 rs4021xsp_42962 dva3221_4262                                        1 ds3615xs_42962 ds3617xs_42962 ds3615xs_41222 ds920p_42951 rs4021xsp_42218 ds2422p_42951 ds918p_42621 ds3617xs_42661 ds3615xs_25556 ds920p_42218                                         rs4021xsp_42951 ds920p_42621 ds918p_42962 ds3615xs_42951 ds3622xsp_42951 dva1622_42661 ds918p_42218 ds2422p_42621 ds1621p_42621 ds3615xs_42621 ds3                                        615xs_42218 ds1621p_42962 ds3622xsp_42621 rs4021xsp_42661
[#] =======================================================================================

[-] Failed to update recipe for pocopico.r8168 extension for platform ds3622xsp_64570. The script will terminate as you do not
[-] have previously downloaded recipe which can be used if download fails. Try again later. If problem
[-] persists contact the extension packer for support (displayed below)



Edited by man67
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depending what dsm system you need you could also choose one that comes with that driver from synology like 920+ or dva1622, all apollo and gemini lake systems come with that driver ootb, that way you could use 7.2 now

maybe just wait until its fixed, 7.1 is fine as it gets updates from synology

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