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IP problem


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I'm having a major IP problem. Because of other problems with 6.1 I tried to do a clean install of 6.0.2. However, in VMWare DSM seems to drop the IP address as Syno Assistant at first shows a valid one followed by a 169.

I didn't change anything on my network. It happens on my ESXi host, my Mac (VMWare Fusion) and PC (VMWare Workstation). It also happens on all Jun loaders (all versions).


Once I boot into Baremetal modes it magically works. But that messes with my SATA PCIe card, so this is a no-go..


Any ideas?

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Thank you, but it did quite nothing, especially the arp command.

I am however able to right-click on the DSM in Assistant and actually access it, but several other errors happen then and I'm again not able to get my existing installation to work (DSM 6.1).


In the long run, I ended up ordering a 916+. XPEnology is nice but it's always a bit risky and often takes a lot of time..



Anyway, now when booting in ESXi DSM does show up on my network, but goes to recovery as my drives are from an older installation. Recovery seems to go well, but after a very short recovery the NAS reboots and again shows the recovery dialog.


Loader image is set to persistent. DSM 6.1 +Jun 1.02 alpha

Ideas? So I can run the server until my NAS arrives?




Works now, see


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