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Is it possible to display expansion units / pci cards in DSM7 storage manager?


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Is it possible to display expansion units (Synology DX1222) or pci-cards (intel X540-t2) in DSM7-TCRP like this?




I am asking because it would be nice if I could see all my (22) drives and for example instantly know which drive I have to replace.


For now it looks like this.




My guess is, DSM only displays 12 drives in use because the DS3622xs+ has only 12 slots.




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Your are correct about the number of drives, it's displayed based on the model. In DSM 6 you could install as many drives you like and they were visible. Now they changed it based on the model. It does not matter though, even if you have a DS918+ which technically has 4 drives you can have maybe upto 16 drives.


For the PCIE, I know for sure in order to have NVME cache you need to change a file and add the PCI addresses of your NVMEs.

I do not know if you can do the same thing for any type of PCIE card. That will be very interesting.


As for the expansion unit I never read a post about them, I do not know if you have an original expansion unit and an e-sata if you connect it will be visible...

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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

I have found a solution for this. Many thanks to @Peter Suh and wjz304.


Example: You want to change the storage panel size from 2 to 4 bay.





  1. upload install.sh and storagepanel.sh to any folder on your NAS
  2. ssh to this folder
  3. ./install.sh RACK_4_Bay
  4. reboot

If you want to update to another model

  1. ./stroragepanel.sh tower 8 bay
  2. reboot

Possible arguments:

  • RACK_0_Bay
  • RACK_2_Bay
  • RACK_4_Bay
  • RACK_8_Bay
  • RACK_10_Bay
  • RACK_12_Bay
  • RACK_12_Bay_2
  • RACK_16_Bay
  • RACK_20_Bay
  • RACK_24_Bay
  • RACK_60_Bay
  • TOWER_1_Bay
  • TOWER_2_Bay
  • TOWER_4_Bay
  • TOWER_4_Bay_J
  • TOWER_4_Bay_S
  • TOWER_5_Bay
  • TOWER_6_Bay
  • TOWER_8_Bay
  • TOWER_12_Bay
  • -r

Last argument is for restoring

Edited by smileyworld
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