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N40L ESXI 6.0 U2 - Upgraded to DSM 6 - BROKE VOLUMES


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I have been holding off upgrading to DSM 6 since seeing the main thread started months ago hoping that eventually there would be an "official" release of XPEnolougy DSM 6 by now.


This hasn't happened yet but I can see a lot of people have successfully got it running so since. I had a spare ESXI host I thought I would give it a go. I saw a couple of posts where people claimed just clicking update and going to find.synology.com allowed them to get it working. This actually worked for me as well which I was surprised about but none of my volumes are working, the data isn't important so I have even tried to format them but they still unmount during the reboot.


Does anyone know if I can fix this issue?


I am happy to reinstall again or delete the disks in esxi to start fresh but not sure what will even work so looking for suggestions :smile:


I have read a lot of threads/posts and I think a sticky thread would be nice with the latest install methods and any bugs with fixes/workarounds

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They are using the onboard raid in the HP N40L.


I have now setup a 2nd VM on the same server using a OVF template someone posted, this VM doesn't update to version 845, I get error 21 when it gets to 20%.


I was able to create a volume on the 16GB vmdk that it installed which I think was using IDE.


I have now formatted a disk and created a new SCSI vmdk but it is now showing up in storage manager so I am a bit further on with disks but not able to update, I might try a new vmdk in workstation instead of vSphere and choose SATA or IDE.

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